Procoding - Coding with Style

価格 600円
開発者Michael Markert
リリース日2012-02-15 05:01:42
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-21 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
*** Winner of the FWA Mobile Of The Day (MOTD) Award! ***
Procoding is a mobile code sketching IDE for HTML5/JavaScript and comes as a universal app, running both on the iPad and the iPhone.

Create interactive visuals with Procoding for iOS. Code your favorite sketches for generative design on your iPad or iPhone. Featuring a clean and beautifully integrated interface, individually optimized for the best JavaScript coding experience on iPad and iPhone, including a Syntax Highlighting Editor and an easily accessible reference.

New in version 3.5 +++ Local Webserver: preview sketches anywhere in your local network +++ New in version 3 +++ iOS 7 redesign +++ brand new editor +++ New in version 2.5 +++ Resource Manager: add images, additional code and media resources to sketches +++ Export as HTML5 stand-alone project folder and run your sketches on any modern web browser. +++ A full list of new features and improvements can be found inside the app.

· Create, edit & run HTML5 Canvas / JavaScript .js, D3.js, Paper.js, Procoding.js or Processing(js) .pde sketches
· Full featured code editor with syntax highlighting, autocompletion, find & replace, syntax themes and coding keybar for frequently used keys
· iCloud sync across all your devices, incl. Procoding for OS X (available separately on the Mac App Store)
· Add images, sounds, custom fonts, HTML, JS libraries and additional code (classes) with the Resource Manager
· Export as HTML5 project folder: run your sketches stand-alone without Procoding
· PDE and JS File import/export via Dropbox, iTunes Sharing & E-Mail
· Save screenshots to your camera roll and keep individual covers for your sketches
· Integrated reference index with syntax snippet inserter for processingjs; included offline reference for JavaScript (ECMA, JavaScript APIs, DOM, CSS...), D3.js, Paper.js and Procoding.js
· Embedded Web Server: you can preview the current sketch from any browser in your local network (WiFi required)
· Universal binary, individually optimized for iPhone & iPad, landscape or portrait
· Basic runtime error console log and (for JavaScript sketches) a JSHint live syntax checker to find and fix errors as you type
· Retina optimized for high resolution displays (incl. your sketches)
· Supports processing-mobile (Accelerator, Gyroscope, Multitouch)
· Supports input from virtual keyboard
· Exciting demo sketches included, e.g. shows how to use multitouch, geolocation, device motion ...
· Created with love <3

Procoding uses HTML5 APIs (e.g. Canvas) and supports processing.js, a JavaScript port of the Processing language. Procoding relies on Mobile Safari. Therefore some features of Processing aren't supported:
· 3D (P3D) and WebGL require iOS 8
· No external processing libraries
· Modified processing.js source code and additional reference documentation available on

· iPad, iPad mini, iPhone (incl. iPhone 6) or iPod Touch
· iOS 7 or iOS 8 (recommended)

- Handoff previews: open a preview of your sketch with Safari on any of your devices near you supporting Continuity (iOS 8 and BluetoothLE enabled devices required)
- iCloud Drive support

Improvements & Bug Fixes
- Fixed file preview and open in actions on iPads running iOS 8
- Minor Webserver preview improvements
- Fixed Processing Syntax Checker not hiding
- Improved popover response time
- Fixed TypoPad demo (due to discontinued Yahoo Pipes)
- Fixed a potential crash when Dropbox Authentication failed on startup
- The iCloud Container is now exposed to iCloud Drive (please back up your data!)

In case you missed the latest features of Version 3.5:
- Bonjour Web Preview: You can preview the current sketch with any browser in your local network (WiFi required). More info and your device's URL can be found in the general settings
- WebGL & 3D enabled (iOS 8 only)

- This is most likely the last version to support iOS 7 in order to make use of the new and faster iOS 8 WebView
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月21日 07時49分




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