Quebec City Trekker

価格 無料
開発者Sutro Media
リリース日2011-07-31 06:06:58
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-23 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
••• Quebec City camaraderie with fleur-de-lis flair! •••

Architecturally stunning and a history lesson in the making, Quebec City boasts Euro-style Nouvelle France flair, and a bounty of food, fun, festivals and joie de vivre.

What’s inside Quebec City Trekker? Up-to-date info on practically every museum and attraction in the city; entries about Quebec's best fests from summertime's New France fete to the iconic Quebec Winter Carnival; and topical suggestions for lodging, families, the budget-conscience traveler, foodies, history buffs, gay visitors, the great outdoors, and a few Quebec City metro area road trips. Quebec City Complete also offers some 1,000 photos, video links, and maps to help you navigate all about town.

A bon voyage is guaranteed!

••• About the Author •••

Steve Howell first fell in love with La Belle Province in 1989 when he packed up his car on an impromptu road trip to Montreal and headed north from Long Island. A poutine and a Jazz Fest later, and Steve was hooked. So much so that he moved there — or close to it — an hour away in Plattsburgh, N.Y. Steve has covered Montreal Arts & Entertainment for the Plattsburgh Press-Republican since 1995, and wrote freelance for the Montreal Gazette for four years — a really good writing gig considering he's a self-proclaimed museum junkie.

All those Montreal adventures soon led to a few travel guide books, the first of which covered Montreal and then beautiful Quebec City. And what better way to be introduced to Quebec than with a visit in the middle of winter to the iconic Quebec Winter Carnival. Cold weather aside, the warmth of Quebec City's friendly locals kept Steve coming back for more — that and Quebec's iconic history, great food, and picturesque scenery. It's now his new favorite getaway as he visits monthly. Steve also teaches journalism at SUNY Plattsburgh.

••• About Sutro Media •••

This guide is published in partnership with Sutro Media. By enabling local writers to share their expertise on mobile phones, Sutro Media is making it easier and more fun to explore the world!

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更新日時:2024年6月23日 12時10分




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