JigsawGeo USSR: Former Soviet Union

価格 500円
リリース日2011-04-15 15:45:13
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Please try our new JigsawGeo instead of this app. The new app, called "JigsawGeo" (without any extensions) includes all previous maps as in-app purchases. We are maintaining the old apps for a short while to allow current customers to transition to the new app. The new JigsawGeo will recognize your existing JigsawGeo purchases and transfer them to the new game.

Puzzle game that is also a great way to learn geography. Finish fast enough to earn a high score. You can double-tap the target or drag & drop it into position. This is the only geography app that uses a full map database so that the map can be panned by dragging or zoomed in or out by pinching. Try a double-finger double-tap to zoom out to full map (handy to quickly back out after you zoomed in close to get one of the tiny regions). Both portrait and landscape can be used. Web-based high scores let you compete against your friends and other players from around the globe.

These 15 countries were all part of the former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), one of the global superpowers of the last century. The Soviet Union was formed shortly after World War 1 (in 1922), emerged shortly after World War II as a nuclear superpower, and finally dissolved in 1991 into these independent countries of today.

You can zoom in quite far -- we have provided an amazing amount of detail so that you can see tiny islands and peninsulas that many other map games do not provide.

Four levels of play:

+ Traveler: New easier level that slowly zooms in on the right spot

+ Surveyor: Place countries by name

+ Navigator: Place countries by name of their capital

+ Discoverer: Challenging! Place countries by their flag instead of the outline shape

Check all the Options - you can set your default name for the web high scores, choose your difficulty level, enable sounds, enable drag & drop, and set the finger offset (during drag&drop, you can have the country “jump” to the side so you can see it better).

Choose from two voices that say the name of each country or region as you play.

“High Scores” shows the top four times for each difficulty level. You can clear the local high scores here too. Local is just on your device. Global is the web-based high scores list from around the world!

Look for other JigsawGeo games for other regions. Just search for JigsawGeo in the app store.

+ Added new gesture: double-finger double-tap to zoom out to full map
+ fix bug that was causing crashes when starting new game
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 20時40分




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