
価格 120円
開発者Kensington Technology Group LLC
リリース日2011-04-08 10:24:29
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
myShopper does one thing very nicely. It manages what you buy and where you shop. myShopper doesn't try to find you the best price around, or optimize you driving distance or anything else. It's just about managing stuff and stores.

In my list I included things I buy often like batteries, milk and socks and a few regular stores - Safeway, Wal-Mart and Home Depot. Then I tell myShopper what things I buy at which stores. For example, I can buy milk and batteries at Safeway, but not socks. And I can buy milk, batteries and socks at Wal-Mart but not at Home Depot. Then the next time I need batteries, I touch the plus button to add them to my list. Batteries are now on my list for each of my stores where I could buy batteries. The next time I go to one of my stores, just look at the list for that store go shopping. If I went to Home Depot, I'd look at my Home Depot list, and get what I need. When I put it in the cart, I touch the shopping cart icon in the row and it comes off my list (for all my stores).

I can also set a category for each item. myShopper has some default categories but you can make your own, delete or edit the defaults. A category is like an aisle or section of the store (or anything that works for you). Then when I go to the store, I can sort by category, or section and see everything I need from the dairy aisle for instance.

And I can create whatever stores I want - one could even be Mom's House for when we visit. And on my list could be a bunch of things to get from the basement. These aren't things I'm likely to get often, like milk, so I can mark them as 'One Time'. After you buy a 'One Time' item it will disappear from the big list of items.

It's also useful to keep track of the size of things you need. For instance, maybe I want a quarter pound of bologna from the deli. I can tell myShopper that my default quantity for bologna is .25 lb (it uses units too) and when I touch the plus button, I add .25 lbs of bologna to the list. Next week I want a half pound, or .5 lbs. Just touch the plus sign twice. If you make a mistake, touch the text and you can edit the item (edit button in the top right) and make changes.

I hope you find this as useful as my wife does and check out the video of myShopper in action (

A long awaited update. Fixed a crash bug, updated the look and feel for iOS7.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 22時21分




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