Wales Explorer

価格 200円
開発者Sutro Media
リリース日2010-12-02 06:31:03
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
••• Avalon Lives: Britain's Beautiful Secret •••

Wales as part of the United Kingdom has long and deep links with the New World. Legendary for its connections with Avalon and other touchstones of British history, it is also marked indelibly with its now declined industrial history of shipping and mining. What has emerged to replace its pre-war power is very much the tale of British post-industrialism: a patchwork of recovering communities and rediscovery of identity and national pride.

Stunningly beautiful, remarkably and famously "green", with an inscrutable accent and boundless charm, Wales really is next to but a world apart from England.

Wales is terrific value in every way -- varied, stubbornly Welsh, at once isolated and engaging; with its cosmopolitan capital Cardiff surrounded by the kinds of more introverted towns, villages and country that make up most of this oddball, always fascinating land.

To know it is to love it. To visit it is to fall in love.

••• About the Author •••

Expat Canadian Jeremy’s Gluck’s lifelong love of Britain began even before he had ever been there, as a child enchanted with all things British, from Merseybeat to Monty Python. Fate, destiny – and a small inheritance – found him there in the flesh at last in 1977, and he never really went home again. He made some fledgling trips to Wales, including as a musician in his band of yore, cult faves The Barracudas, who were recording at legendary Rockfield Studios in Monmouth. After many years in London as a writer and musician he sealed the deal by marrying a girl raised in Swansea, whence they repaired in 1994 to give their three kids a countryish life. Jeremy’s favorite place on the planet, 3 Cliffs Bay, on the sublime Gower Peninsula, is to him the perennial heart of Wales, an ancient and unique land also known as Avalon, but it is perhaps just the beginning of one inexhaustible in its beauty and deceptive simplicities.

••• About Sutro Media •••

This guide is published in partnership with Sutro Media. By enabling local writers to share their expertise on mobile phones, Sutro Media is making it easier and more fun to explore the world!

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- lots of new iOS 7 bug fixes
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- resolved display issue on iPhone 5
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- fixed intermittent bug with dynamic updates
- added better crash analytics and fixed a number of intermittent stability problems
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更新日時:2024年6月3日 20時32分




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