Zipper Game

価格 無料
開発者CPU Ocala
リリース日2010-09-24 12:39:42
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 3.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-04 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Inspired by the world record contest of how many zip and unzips in 30 seconds, you will have your chances to see how fast you can do it.

No point? Stupid? Yeah, probably. Download it and try for yourself and gather your own opinion, play it, get some top scores, and pass it to your friends, or see if you can beat the world record.

To try your shot at beating the world record (in game style):

Go to Settings, switch to advanced mode, and use the Med setting. Exit settings, and play. Be careful, could be very exhausting! World record is 166 times in 30 seconds. Can you beat it? Rate it and post your scores!

Soon will have a global leader board.

Game is free, and includes:

::: Standard Format :::

Zip back and forth as fast as you can to keep the timer low. The lower the timer, the better the score! But be careful, going off of the screen will make you lose hold of the zipper and you will lose valuable time!

::: Advanced Format :::

Zip back and forth as fast as you can. As the timer counts down try to keep getting points by going faster and faster. The more points the better the score. But be careful, going off of the screen will make you lose hold of the zipper and you will lose valuable time!

Standard and Advanced mode each include 3 levels each of Easy, Medium, Long, each with a different top 10 score board.

What some of our beta testers said.

- "Game is Fun, passed it around to everyone in the house. Got 5.6 seconds on the standard, easy format. No one could beat it! We had a blast trying."

- "Had fun with it, sure was exhausting. Can see where this could catch on."

- "It's all right, don't know if i'd play it over, and over. But I could see the competition in it if I had friends. :("

- "Are you sure it's free?"


Well now it's your choice. Download it, try it out, and see how it is. Visit our site, and contact us if you have any suggestions or bugs!

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月4日 02時25分




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