Perfect Sleep - Enjoy Deep Sleep & Relaxation by Silva

価格 無料
開発者Mindvalley Creations Inc.
リリース日2010-09-03 02:27:51
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-16 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Over 6 million people can't be wrong. Find out why millions have turned to The Silva Method to help them overcome sleep problems and other obstacles in life.

For a limited time only this $47 program is offered free of charge to the Apple community of users.

The Perfect Sleep System Includes

Track 1: Introduction

What you will learn:
- Fight Painful Sleeplessness. This sleep strategy is made to combat insomnia
- Dangers of sleepless nights. You are killing yourself slowly with each hour that you remain awake
- Conquer insomnia - with meditation and relieve your deep natural and healthy sleep history

Track 2: What is sleep?

What you will learn:
- Suspend your full consciousness at will to go into a healing sleep state
- Travel between slow wave sleep and rapid eye movement to begin dreaming healthily again
- Go into deep sleep and strengthen your immune system to start having a healthier self

Track 3: What is Insomnia?

What you will learn:
- Caution: Medical companies are conspiring to hoodwink you! You do not need to rely on sleep medication, alcohol or some outside factor to sleep blissfully
- Don't cheat yourself. Overcome low job performance, ineffective thinking, poor concentration, poor problem solving abilities.
- Discover how factors like your partner's sleeping patterns, stress, and diet, can stop you from getting a good night's rest.

Track 4: How to Overcome Insomnia?

What you will learn:
- Discover positive outcomes and overcome insomnia at the same time through the Sleep List strategy
- Manifesting deep and powerful waves of calm immediately
- The simplest solution relearn how to finally sleep naturally

Track 5: Meditation Exercise

What you will learn:
- A powerful meditation to find yourself in the alpha state
- Enter a deep, immersive and calm state where you can improve your state of mind before entering the state of sleep
- Escape the waking beta-state of mind to get into your natural healthy sleep

Minor Bug Fixes
Audios now keep playing even after iPhone enters sleep mode / screen locks.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月16日 05時38分




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