Habit Changer®: Feeling Happier

価格 200円
開発者Habit Changer
リリース日2010-06-23 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 3.1.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Habit Changer is a 42 Day system that helps you replace old habits and experience a new way of living.

We all have habits. Some work for us — some we can live without. The 42 Day Challenge exposes the habits you’ve learned through your family or on your own. It helps make you aware of what you’re doing now and what you might want to do differently. We provide you with a daily Challenge that gets you to look at the decisions you make in your life from a new perspective, and provide you with the means to act in a different way. By the end of 42 days, you will have changed.

You’ve been doing the same thing every day. That’s because habits are involuntary. The Daily Challenges provide you with small steps that create awareness. And they’re fun to do. The Challenges tackle areas in your life head-on.

You may have tried other ways to get your depression under control. Give Habit Changer a try. Its approach incorporates the science of Neuroplasticity. The human brain is marvelous. It changes and grows with experience. What you do or think can cause your brain to rewire itself. We’ve built the 42 Day Challenge around Neuroplasticity. Our Feeling Happier Program helps you form new beliefs around your depression. So you can see yourself in a whole new light.

Habit Changer programs include Social Networking connectivity. This will allow you to post your daily progress, insights and successes on Facebook and Twitter – and allow people to follow your day to day progress on Twitter.

Our Programs Produce Results
• 86% of people who tried Habit Changer reported that they became more aware of their habits.
• 69% of people who tried Habit Changer reported that they have made positive changes in their habits as a result of taking the Program.
• 78% would recommend it to others.
Source: Study by Anderson Analytics, 2009.
Here's What They're Saying about Habit Changer
• "This program has given me a new lease on life, and I am determined to not sink back into my old habits. Thank you very much for giving me daily support and encouragement during my continued struggles."
• "I am able to feel more relaxed and learned how to say no to things that are not important to me."
• "I became more aware of self defeating behavior which I have changed and I am starting to feel happier."

Sample Days from the Feeling Happier Program
Day 5
Words Have Power
No single word can ever fully describe who you are. But sometimes we act as if that were the case. Using negative words about ourselves, like “I’m unlucky,” can keep recreating everyday situations that you’d rather not have. Words do have power. It’s time to question the validity of the words you’ve been using so that they will lose their power over you.
Day 17
Nearly everyone has been hurt by the actions or words of someone else. Your mother may have criticized you as a child. Maybe your best friend gossiped about you or your ex-partner was not honest. Even though you might be accurate for feeling the way you do, holding on to these events will leave you with lasting feelings of anger, bitterness and possibly vengeance. Learn how forgiveness can be a way of letting go of the past and making a fresh start.
Day 32
Self Defeating Thoughts
It’s tempting to assume that the internal dialog that goes on in your head is simply a reflection of your current emotional state. However, scientific research has proven that the messages you give yourself are like self-fulfilling prophecies - they create your emotional state. Learn to become aware of your self-defeating thoughts and then answer them.

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