Island of Dr. Moreau - Audio Book

価格 120円
リリース日2010-04-28 16:00:00
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互換性iOS 2.2以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
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Written more than a century ago The Island of Dr Moreau is still read by many people to this day.

An Englishman is shipwrecked and lands on the island where Dr Moreau portrays god and struggles to create the perfect race. Messages on evolution and the misuse of intelligence are found throughout the book.

Issues on the role of God and his relationship with mankind are also discussed. Everyone can relate to The Island of Dr Moreau through the beast people.

We are the beast people surpressed by God, or Dr Moreau. We bury our instincts and our desires, and try to follow what society believes is right.

Once in a while those emotions can no longer be hidden and they burst through our molded personalities.

It is probable that this is what HG Wells was trying to express in his work since it was written in 1896, around the same time when Charles Darwin anounced the idea of evolution. There are passages in the book that make reference to the Old Testament.

Anyone will enjoy this classic science fiction thriller.

The Island of Doctor Moreau is an 1896 science fiction novel written by H. G. Wells, addressing ideas of society and community, human nature and identity, religion, Darwinism, and eugenics.

When the novel was written in the late 19th century, England’s scientific community was engulfed by debates on animal vivisection. Interest groups were even formed to tackle the issue: the British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection was formed two years after the publication of the novel.

The novel is presented as a discovered manuscript, introduced by the narrator’s nephew; it then ‘transcribes’ the tale.

This colorful tale by the author of The Time Machine, The Invisible Man, and The War of the Worlds lit a firestorm of controversy at the time of its publication in 1896.

This audio book application contains audio files for all chapters in one download, so you can listen to the book on the go without the need for an internet connection. Hence the application size is a little big, and you may need to download it over WiFi connection or through iTunes on your PC or Mac.

Audio Book Features ==>
Pause/resume function
Track progress slider
Volume slider
Easy navigation
Audio continues to play when your device is locked.
Offline viewing and listening without internet connection

If you like this audio book, please check out other great audio books at!

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New audio playing engine. Go to next/previous audio track. Last played audio track saved in memory. Track progress bar issue fixed.
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