Baudelaire: Fleurs du Mal et d’autres poèmes

価格 120円
リリース日2010-03-27 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 3.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
The work of one of the greatest poets of the nineteenth century, "poète maudit", a brilliant innovator who has broken the traditional aesthetic criteria to dictate new rules in the expression of the concept of beauty and the whole poetic art.

His major work, “Les Fleurs du Mal" is, without doubt, one of the most incisive creations of modern literature and can be considered a true manifesto of Symbolism.

With annoteBook by Dathlon you can make annotations to the poem’s verses in a simple and intuitive way, by swiping the verse you are interested in. The side notes are immediately recognized and can be read with a tap. Moreover, the table of content and a powerful search engine can be used to quickly found any verse.

New in this series: You can mark your preferred poems as “favorites”, to find them immediately in the collection.

Unique in its features:
• Index of poems
• Notes can be written for each verse
• Automatic bookmark: by reopening the application you will be automatically repositioned where you left the reading
• Powerful search engine by words
• Easy reading with a choice of font sizes
• Landscape reading with big font
• Choice of background page color for reading under different ligth conditions
• "Poem of the Day": a random poem from the collection

An internet connection is not required.

New features in the next version.

Available annoteBooks by Dathlon

In French:
Baudelaire: Fleurs du Mal et d’autres poèmes
Rimbaud: Poésies complètes
Verlaine: Poèmes - Volume 1

In English:
Dante: Divine Comedy
Lewis Carroll: 101 Poems
Shakespeare: Sonnets
Milton: Paradise Lost - Regain’d
Shelley: Poems, vol. 2 - 3

In Italian:
Dante: Divina Commedia
Omero: Odissea
Omero: Iliade
Virgilio: Eneide
Ariosto: Orlando Furioso
Tasso: Gerusalemme Liberata
Leopardi: Canti
Foscolo: Tutte le poesie
Tassoni: La Secchia Rapita
D’Annunzio: Laudi
Carducci: Opere
D’Annunzio: Versi d’Amore

Exciting new features of the reading application annoteBook 2.0:
• Notes can be saved on a computer/copied from a computer (in this way they can be transferred to another copy of the book)
• Unlimited annotable bookmarks on single lines
• In-application e-mail of the poems
• Complete guide
and more...
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