SmartScore: a sport-smart score board

価格 無料
開発者Caveman Labs
リリース日2010-03-03 19:39:21
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
SmartScore is a simple scoreboard utility to help you keep tally while watching your favorite local sports. Tap the ball to get the basics of the game, or the current scoring variations in use. It keeps track of points, games, and the match, if applicable. The interface and scorekeeping are based on the type of sport (and rule variation) you select. SmartScore supports "Shake-to-Undo" and will save your current game between sessions. This app was created for iPhone OS 3.0+. Get it, it's free.

Just flip it over with the info button to:
- select your sport
- customize your event name
- set the team (or player) names
- edit the scores (if you're joining mid-game)
- turn on or off Undo

Popular sports that are covered are (see notes below or tap the ball in the app to see the differences):
- Badminton* (BWF)
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cricket (the basics: runs & wickets)
- Football (American)
- Hockey
- Lacrosse
- Racquetball* (Canadian, USA/IRF)
- Rugby* (League & Flag/Union)
- Soccer (Football)
- Table Tennis* (ITTF, "Old School")
- Tennis (tracks current set)
- Volleyball* (FIVB Beach & Court)
- Other (a generic single-point scoreboard)

Scoring variations:
BADMINTON, BWF rules: best of 3 games to 21 points, must win by 2 points.
RACQUETBALL, Canadian rules: best of 3 games to 15 points, must win by 2 points, tie-break to 11.
RACQUETBALL, USA/IRF rules: best of 3 games to 15 points, win by 1 point, tie-break to 11.
TABLE TENNIS, ITTF rules: best of any odd set of games to 11 points, must win by 2 points.
TABLE TENNIS, Old School rules: best of any odd set of games to 21 points, must win by 2 points.
VOLLEYBALL, FIVB Beach rules: best of 3 games to 21 points, must win by 2 points, tie-break to 15.
VOLLEYBALL, FIVB Court rules: best of 5 games to 25 points, must win by 2 points, tie-break to 15.

FYI, this will most likely be the final set of sports incorporated into this app, lest it get too crazy with all of the scoring variations, etc.


A new look, faster loading, a new undo/reset button, and a game rules feature (tap the ball to read the basic rules or scoring system info). Once iOS 4.0 gets around, there will be a premium SmartScore app with game history, timers, buzzers, and more. Keep on playing hard and tell all your friends about this free app. Thanks.
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更新日時:2024年9月28日 14時23分




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