What You Say is What You Get by George Walther

価格 無料
開発者Six Voices
リリース日2009-11-05 11:04:04
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互換性iOS 3.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
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What You Say is What You Get by George Walther

Every time you open your mouth, you may be sabotaging yourself without even knowing it!

In every conversation business or personal; telephone or face-to-face what you say (and how you say it) determines what you'll get. To project a more positive image, gain more cooperation from others and give yourself a constant motivational boost you must get this Tapstack!

"What You Say Is What You Get" shows you how to stop shooting yourself in the foot and instead put your best foot forward. Acclaimed author George Walther has been teaching audiences and readers around the world how they can make simple word and phrase transformations that make all the difference in their personal success outcomes. This Tapstack is a new look on George's full book of the same name which is an update of his earlier book Power Talking: 50 Ways to Say What You Mean and Get What You Want, popular world-wide and published in many different languages.

The Tapstack style makes it easy to read a card, immediately glean actionable tips, see how the new phrasing works in realistic day-to-day applications, and immediately change what you say. When you change what you say, you change what you get.

With our complicated lives and information overwhelm these days, wouldn't it be nice to find an easy-to-read guide that reveals a simple, uncomplicated system for getting more of the results you want? This is it. The experts agree: This simple system of word and phrase replacements is a must-read.

About Tapstack

Six Voices’ Tapstack format offers a unique and surprisingly fun way to explore your favorite books. By distilling them down to a selection of engaging “cards” like only the iPhone could provide, Tapstack offers you a great way to read on-the-go. Swipe, shake, rotate and spin your way through the most important points from top-selling titles.

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