Six Pack Secrets

価格 360円
開発者Pinch Swipe Tap Pty. Ltd.
リリース日2009-05-22 11:02:39
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 3.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-15 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Sexy Abs... Just about everyone wants them but very few ever get them. Well, here's the bad news; You will NEVER lose your stomach fat and carve out a sexy six pack just by doing crunches and other 'Abs-Pumping' exercises...

Six Pack Secrets will show you the RIGHT way to strip stubborn stomach fat without wasting your time with pointless and time consuming exercises or fad diets. With our nutritional advice, and easy to follow exercise advice to help boost your metabolism, you'll discover the secrets to stunning flat abs that will be sure to turn heads...

Six Pack Secrets will teach you everything you need to know about how to obtain great abs in the shortest amount of time possible. This fantastic ibook contains information on diet, exercise, eating tips, and more (just take a look through the screen shots to see exactly what we are talking about).

It might seem impossible to get that prized six pack you've always wanted, but Six Pack Secrets will show you exactly how easy it is – Setting goals, diet modification and doing the correct exercises will show you how to train your abs effectively to get the results that YOU want.

Six Pack Secrets also answers all of your commonly asked questions and blows the lid off a bunch of workout and diet myths.

Inside this ibook, you'll find:

* Answers to your commonly asked questions
* Tips for exercising (how to modify your routines to make them twice as effective)
* 20 + easy to follow exercises that with diagrams that burn 3-4 time more calories
* Information on the dangers of so called "Fad Diets" and why they don't work
* Which oils to avoid, which oils to eat
* Foods that can help you lose weight and boost your metabolism

Stop wasting time and money, get the Abs that you've always dreamed of with Six Pack Secrets for iPhone.

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更新日時:2024年6月15日 13時39分




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