Blind Timer

価格 85円
開発者Code Poetry e.U.
リリース日2008-11-12 10:38:01
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Who doesn’t know this situation in a poker tournament with friends?

One of the players has to measure the time with his watch, so that the agreed blind raise times are followed. This player has also to concentrate onto this task. As a consequence it often happens that blind raises are missed and that the timing player is distracted.

These are times are over once and for all. Blind Timer is the perfect tool for your private poker tournaments!

With Blind Timer your tournament gets as easy as setting the desired time for each blind raise and the actual blind you want to start with. Then just start the game and after the desired time you’ll get a pop up showing you the new blinds. If activated a vibration and a sound notification will be made.

If your blinds are to low/high or the round times are to long/short you can change them at any moment during the game by pausing it. That guarantees you a maximum of flexibility, because you are not bound to any predefined settings!

- You are not bound to any predefined settings and can change every settings on the fly during the game.
- All of the players can fully concentrate on the game.
- Very easy and intuitive to use.
- Nice looking, blending edge interface, that fits into the apple application design.

Q: What happens if I get a call during a game? Will Blind Timer be terminated?
A: No. Blind Timer will be paused when you get a call. After you’ve finished your call Blind Timer will ask you if you want to resume your game. (This use case is visible in the screenshots).

Q: Is it possible to quit Blind Timer, start another program, but to resume the previous game after this?
A: Of course you’re able to do that. When you restart Blind Timer it will ask you, if you want to resume the game.

Q: Can the vibration or the sound alarm be disabled?
A: Per default both are disabled. You can dis- or enable it in the settings menu. Your new settings will be saved and applied immediately. When you launch Blind Timer the next time it will use the settings you set before.

Q: What happens if my iPhone enters he standby mode (when the screen gets locked and black)?

A: That’s no problem at all. Blind Timer will continue to run in the background and will notify you, whenever a blind raise happens. But be aware that you activate sound notification or vibration so that you really don’t miss the blind raise. As an alternative you can deactivate the standby mode in the settings menu, but don’t forget: Not going to standby mode means you use more battery.

Future updates of the application are free of charge.

You liked Flight Control, Pocket God, iHunt 3D, Flick Fishing, Parking Lot, UniWar, Classics, Bowman, Wikipedia, iShoot, Fieldrunners, Tetris, Ocarina, iBeer or My fart then you will love this app :)

- Tournament rounds are now supported.
- Blind multiplicator can now be configured.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 04時20分




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