Perpetuum - Moon Phases

価格 120円
開発者iSelf srl
リリース日2008-11-07 09:50:11
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 2.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-29 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Perpetuum is the Revolutionary Lunar Calendar for the iPhone and iPod touch.

"What an incredibly cool app!"

"After using Perpetuum a bit, I really like it. I've been using the same old moon calendars for years and this one is really different and fun to use. Also fast!"

"Well done. This is tops and a uses a great method.
Worth every Penny."


Try before you buy !
You can get "Perpetuum LITE" - the Free Version to see if you like this app.
The Free version is limited to dates before the 1st of January 2009.

If you're like us, you don't like reading dates and numbers from a table and then try to figure out how many days you have until the next new or full moon. Perpetuum solves this problem and gives you the information you need in a way we couldn't find anywhere else.

Spinning the moon clockwise will get you forward it time, while backwards goes back.

▶ New Moon is UP
▶ First Quarter is on the RIGHT
▶ Full Moon is DOWN
▶ Last Quarter on the LEFT

▶ No internet connection required.
▶ Ability to set a marker to a certain moon phase (your birth date for example)
▶ To change the date, drag the moon or tap the date.
▶ Weekend days are drawn brighter so you can instantly see which day of the week a certain moon phase will be in.
▶ Shake the phone/ipod to return to the current date.

You'll definitively get addicted to it after getting a taste of it's power.

Many lunar calendars assume the lunar cycle length is constant (or better said they are using the mean length of 29.53 days). Unlike those calendars, Perpetuum calculates the precise moment for all the moon phases.

Other Apps developed by me :
Sun Compass, Love Detector, Squeeze it

- Fixed a bug that caused a crash for Australian and New Zealand users.
- Speed improvement for app loading and dragging the moon.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月29日 00時41分




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