Spanish Verb Conjugation Trainer

価格 250円
リリース日2008-09-20 21:17:16
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Master the conjugations for the most common Spanish verbs. Using this easy to use and proven learning method you can easily master conjugations. Use this new application to quickly look up conjugations and verb forms. Discover how easily one can learn to apply Spanish verb conjugations in written and spoken communication.

*** App has been updated and now runs also with iPhone OS 3.0 ***

This app has been reviewed and recommended by

With this application you will learn the conjugations of the most used Spanish verbs. The conjugation database holds over 1500 conjugations.

The conjugation forms featured in this application are 100% correct and have been checked for correctness against other verb conjugation sources. The conjugation trainer includes the forms for Indicativo and Condicional. You can check the forms against the forms listed on


+ 1500 conjugations
+ Most used Spanish verbs
+ Spaced repetition algorithm
+ Statistics to track learning progress
+ No network connection needed
+ Future updates are free
+ Send in your word proposals

Spaced repetition is a learning technique in which increasing intervals of time is used between subsequent reviews. Loro gradually adopts the optimum spacing of repetitions. Pimsleur language courses are famous for using spaced repetition algorithms.

Tenses and verb forms:

* Participio
* Gerundio
* Presente
* Pretérito Imperfecto
* Pretérito Perfecto Simple
* Futuro
* Condicional
* Infinitivo
* Imperativo Afirmativo
* Imperativo Negativo

List of verbs which are included in this release:

abandonar, abrochar, absolver, abstener, aburrir, acabar, acariciar, aceptar, acertar, acoger, acompañar, aconsejar, acordar, acostarse, admirar, admitir, adoptar, adorar, afirmar, afrontar, agarrar, ahorrar, alegrar, alimentar, alquilar, amar, anteponer, anunciar, apestar, aplaudir, apostar, apoyar, apreciar, aprender, apretar, aprobar, aprovechar, arreglar, asistir, asociar, asolar, asomar, atender, atener, atraer, atrapar, aumentar, avenir, ayudar, bailar, barrer, batir, bañar, beber, besar, brillar, calentar, cambiar, cantar, cerrar, colar, comenzar, comer, compartir, componer, comprar, comprender, comprobar, confundir, conseguir, considerar, consumir, contar, contener, contraer, contrahacer, contravenir, convenir, cooperar, correr, corresponder, cortar, coser, costar, cubrir, dearrollar, debatir, deber, decaer, decidir, deducir, deducir, defender, dejar, demostrar, depender, deponer, desandar, descender, describir, descubrir, desear, deshacer, desoír, despertar, detener, diferenciar, disolver, disponer, dividir, echar, emerger, empezar, emplear, empujar, encender, entender, enterrar, entretener, envolver, escoger, esconder, escribir, escuchar, estudiar, exhibir, existir, exponer, extender, felicitar, fijar, formar, freír, funcionar, fundir, ganar, golpear, gustar, hablar, ignorar, imponer, imprimir, indisponer, inducir, insistir, introducir, invadir, inventar, invitar, lavar, levantar, llevar, llorar, manifestar, mantener, meter, morir, necesitar, nevar, notar, observar, obtener, ocurrir, odiar, ofender, olvidar, operar, oponer, oprimir, parar, partir, pasar, pensar, perder, permitir, perseguir, persistir, pintar, preguntar, presentar, prevenir, prever, probar, producir, prometer, proponer, proseguir, proteger, provenir, quebrar, quedar, quemar, recaer, recibir, recoger, recomendar, recordar, recuperar, recurrir, reducir, refreír, registrar, regresar, rehacer, renunciar, repartir, reproducir, resolver, responder, retener, retraer, reventar, revolver, rodar, romper, seleccionar, sembrar, sobrecoger, sobresalir, sobrevenir, sonar, sonreír ...

Also have a look at Loro English - Spanish, Spanish - English. An application which lets you expand your Spanish vocabulary, with over 3400 audio files to improve your pronunciation and a built in bilingual dictionary for fast word look up.

iPhone OS 3.0 Ready
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2025年3月7日 12時08分




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