Sol: Daylight Clock

価格 100円
開発者Alexander Valys
リリース日2008-07-14 08:32:31
星3.5 (5人)
星3.5 (5人)
互換性iOS 2.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
12/30/2009: As a result of recent database problems, I migrated to a new provider over Christmas. This produced some intermittent connectivity issues, which should be resolved at this point. Contact me at the address below if you continue to have issues.

12/17/2009: The short version - the city database has been restored, and Sol is now fully functional again. To everyone who's bought Sol over the past month or two, I sincerely apologize for the trouble. If you re-download the application, hopefully it will meet your original expectations. My email address is: If you have any questions, issues, suggestions or complaints , contact me there.

The long version - Sol has a lot of poor reviews at the moment - apparently, about a month ago, the server that hosts the support website and the 250MB+ location of city names went down, and my hosting provider didn't tell me. This meant that most attempts to add a new city would fail - and all attempts to contact me for support would fail as well. Since I got no emails informing me of this problem (not even from Apple), and I've long since added all the cities I care about to my copy of Sol, I was blissfully unaware of this until I thought to check the latest reviews this evening...and was greeted by a sea of justified complaints.

Again, I sincerely apologize, and I've taken steps to ensure this won't happen again.


Sol is a 24-hour daylight clock. For any location on the planet, Sol displays how many hours of each day are spent in sunlight, how many are spent at nighttime, and how many are spent in twilight. Whether you're a backpacker who wants to know how long you have to get to your car before it gets dark, an astronomer who needs to know how many hours you can spend making observations before dawn, a private pilot who needs to land your plane before civil twilight, or just someone who wants to know how much daylight will be left when you get home from work, Sol does what you need.

Sol can calculate sunrise, sunset, and civil, nautical, and astronomical twilight for anywhere on Earth. And with a database of over 2.3 million locations, you'll never need to look up your latitude and longitude.

1) The server that stores the 250MB+ location of city names has been restored. I'm terribly sorry folks, I never got any notification that it went down.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月3日 18時26分




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