価格 無料
128.0MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者24U s.r.o.
リリース日2020-10-21 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 16.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Mobile client for JOGS, our complete vertical solution, combining the FileMaker Platform with mobile hardware technologies, enabling companies in Africa to enforce fair trade rules and help improve the economic and social situation.

Using JOGS starts with farmers registration. It supports scanning government-issued ID cards, if they are equipped with QR code, you can also issue your own ID cards with embedded RFID chip.

You can then use JOGS to track supplying seeds and purchasing harvested crops from registered farmers, utilizing modern technologies, such as GPS, digital scales, RFID, and mobile receipt printers.

With JOGS, the whole process of purchasing crops is significantly more efficient and less prone to human errors. It also protects the farmers against unfair buyers because the price paid for the crops is available in the system and on the printed receipt. Every sack of crops supplied to your customers can then be tracked back to the farmer who produced it and the specific field plot where it was grown.

We originally developed JOGS as a custom solution for Jacoma Estates Limited. JOGS is the product of Jacoma Estates' practical experience in the field and our development capability. After it has been successfully used in Malawi for over 2 years, we are now making it available for new customers as a vertical solution. JOGS is provided as a complete system along with setup and on-going services. You will need JOGS backend access to activate the app. If you're not an existing JOGS customers but are interested in this software, please contact us for demo and quotation.

Single plot auto-select in purchase
Withholding tax on purchases
Independent debt payment
Separated debt balance
Cashless payments
Batch card printing optimization
Advanced sync segmentation
Sync optimization
Purchase history in device
Reprint purchase receipt from device
Purchase input retrospectively
Negative debt handling
New farmer sync improvement
iOS compatibility adjustments
Minor bug fixes
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 08時22分




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