Zoo Guardians

価格 無料
103.9MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Knowledge Adventure
リリース日2020-08-12 16:00:00
星4.25 (4人)
星4.25 (4人)
互換性iOS 11.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Zoo Guardians: Build the perfect Zoo and save the animals today!

Join the Smithsonian National Zoological Park and the wildlife conservation adventure movement, to craft your own strategy to rescue endangered animals. Help save animals like Giant Pandas, Tigers, Turtles, and more. Download on your smartphone and play our Free Zoo animal simulation game today.

Key Features:

• Build and Customize Your Own Zoo – Who says you have to be a tycoon to build your own zoo? Become the ultimate zoo architect by building habitats and choosing from 8 different biomes: Polar, Savanna, Tropical, Mountain, Temperate, Prairie, Wetlands, or Desert. Decide which animals to place in each habitat and then invite visitors to come and learn about your animals!

• Care for Your Animals – Put your Zoo Guardian skills to the test by adopting and caring for over 58 endangered species, including cheetahs, elephants, birds, tigers, pandas, rhinos, and more! You need to clean their habitats, feed them, and treat them to enrichment items in order to keep your animals happy.

• Collect “Fun Fact Cards” – Earn Fun Fact Cards for each of your animals by giving them proper care. With up to 15 Fun Facts per card, discover your animals’ preferences, as well as what they need to survive – which ultimately helps you build the best Zoo.

• Interact in Augmented Reality - Become the ultimate Zoo Guardian by interacting with animals in your own world via augmented reality! Learn about their fight or flight tendencies, feed them their preferred foods, and photograph their behaviors for study.

• Level Up Your Zoo IQ – Increase your zoology knowledge by completing daily quests, contributing to the World Watch mission and earning daily rewards!

• Save the Animals - Fight global extinction by nurturing your animals to peak wellness and preparing them for relocation back into the wild using techniques you learn from your in-game Smithsonian mentor. Become a fearless conservationist and defend the planet against the evils that threaten animal extinction.

Become a conservation hero today - Download Zoo Guardians for free to get started!

We love animals (and since you're here, we expect you do too), but we don’t care for pesky bugs making it difficult for some of our Zoo Guardian players to load into the game, so we squashed 'em!

From Giant Pandas to Cuban Crocodiles and from performance optimizations to bug fixes, there is so much more to explore!

*Find a bug? Let us know at zooguardians.com/support
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 19時23分




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