Wello: Healthy habits for kids

価格 無料
383.7MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Art Dynasty
リリース日2020-08-06 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 11.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Nothing is impossible if you're having fun. Wello is an AI platform for families with overweight kids that inspires them to change their habits, leading to a healthier and happier life.

This journey is usually regarded as dreadful and complicated so our main goal is to make your family's quest for better nutrition as fun as possible. Whether you want to encourage your kids to lose excess weight or just to develop balanced habits, our application will offer you all the relevant, curated resources at your fingertips to help you achieve your goal.

Basically, it can be regarded as your own nutritional virtual assistant, constantly tailored to your specific needs.

How will we help you stay on your path?
• Personalized Plans
Tailored nutritional diets for children and parents generated through artificial intelligence algorithms and scientific data.
• Social Engagement & Gamification
Games and interactive content allows families to engage in social challenges for an active lifestyle.
• Encouraging healthy competition
We are helping families to improve their progress by challenging them with gamification and rankings. To ensure the accuracy of your child's activity challenge results, we will ask you access to the health app.

What resources do we offer to make things easier?
• Family Tracking
Offers an up-to-date snapshot of a family members recent physical activity and accomplished goals.
• Nutritious Food Map
Restaurant recommendations for healthy food based on user location and their personalized nutrition plan.
• Wellopedia
A curated and complete database of reliable scientific information for kids' nutrition and a healthy lifestyle.

Contact Us!
Feedback is highly encouraged! We can only get better by knowing your thoughts about our app. Leave your opinion in the comments and follow our future updates for improvements and bug fixes.
Join us and millions of other families in our quest to make the world healthy, one family at a time!

Thank you for the feedback! We made the app even better. Update to the latest version to make the most of Wello!
- New Design
- Fixed minor bugs.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月5日 03時28分




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