St Just in Roseland Organ

価格 無料
開発者Omenie Limited
リリース日2018-11-04 22:09:49
星5 (1人)
星5 (1人)
互換性iOS 9.2以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
This is a faithful reproduction of the pipe organ in St. Just in Roseland Parish Church, Cornwall. Do not be fooled by its small size - this is a genuine, high quality Virtual Pipe Organ.

The organ can be enjoyed to its fullest extent if 2 manuals, a pedalboard and a swell pedal are attached. However, if you have limited space or a limited budget, every sound of the organ is available using just a single attached MIDI controller keyboard, by virtue of its manual couplers and the 'Auto Pedal' function.

22 speaking stops, a rich selection of couplers and a tremulant on the Swell division are in place in this digital recreation.

Additionally 8 programmable pistons are provided to allow one-touch access to frequently-used registrations, and these may be mapped to Drum Pads on modern MIDI controller keyboards. A high quality reverberation engine is provided within the app, and the reverb controls, overall instrument volume, swell, crescendo and the pistons may all be controlled by knobs or sliders on an attached MIDI controller.

All features of the real organ are reproduced, and the Virtual Pipe Organ allows maximum performance flexibility. An entire church service can be played using just a single MIDI controller, giving an incredibly cost-effective solution for churches on a budget. It can also be played with two manuals, and supports a pedalboard of up to 32-notes, with support for Swell AND Crescendo pedals. A particularly cost-effective solution is to buy an inexpensive, used 'Home Organ' with MIDI output, and use that purely as a controller, with the app generating all the sounds.

By exploiting Wavetable Trajectory Synthesis rather than sample replay, this app is tiny, yet manages to capture all the beauty and the subtle nuances of the organ.

Note that this app does not contain a playable on-screen keyboard, so either attached USB MIDI controllers, or another app capable of generating virtual MIDI are required to play the organ.

Privacy Statement : this app does not access any of the personal data on your device.

General improvements, performance enhancements. 
Fixed labelling on Twelfth stop (Twelfth is 3rd harmonic, so is 2 2/3' rather than 2 1/3').
Fix for audio distortion at 48kHz on certain devices.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月2日 14時29分




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