Derby cars Area Of Destruction

価格 無料
130.9MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Syed Bilal Javaid
リリース日2017-09-17 09:51:37
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Crashing game has never been so crazy. The game includes the core concept of a derby and crashing within itself. Such car crashing games are fun to play. The player needs to have proper derby skills to play the game.

This game is about racing derby. The racing arena is of two types in the game. Destruction derby and car crashing is being carried out in a stadium. One of them is filled with the mud for dirt racing and the other one is filled with the nicely cut grass field. The rebel cars doing car wars. This kind of Racing is about destruction of the opponent’s car by crash. These kind of whirpool car games are amazing and entertaining at the same time. The game offers awesome stock of cars e.g. bumper cars, smash cars and derby race cars. These multi cars are unleashed based on the coins. The logic behind getting the coins is to play the speedway. This is about races to death. Demolition racing starts off minimum cars in the first level. Derby racing get complicated once it gets going in the levels. Destruction derby games have always been a wild game. The crash derby is played by chasing after the opponent car e.g manobra and intentionally doing the car accident. To destroy cars one have to be very skillful.

This 3D game have monster cars at the end levels. It would be then crazy cars vs monsters. The crash of cars in the crash arena is depicted by the health bar of your car. You have to be careful in this car battles. Enjoy it, play it and leave us a review.

Following are the features of the game:
1. There are two modes provided in the game
2. Every mode have 10 levels.
3. Difficulty of the levels is handled w.r.t. the level number
4. Awesome graphics and easy 3D controls
5. Health bar is maintained in the game play to make sure the player health.
6. Awesome modern derby cars in the garage which are unleashed on the base of the coins.
7. Superb Sounds used in the game

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 14時35分




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