Vijayarke's Novel - Q

価格 120円
開発者Tarushi Software Solutions Private Limited
リリース日2017-04-18 11:40:21
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 9.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Vijayarke's Q - Telugu Sci-Fi novel, a genre which has never been walked through by many mostly none.
Story of an unborn emotion traveling all the way through the space from the planet "Q" to the earth just to uncover the feelings of human emotions only by KILLING him.
Keep your eyes moving on the words which make your mind drive through the story with the feel of anxiety and a gentle comical inclination.
A scientist who wants to spare the universe with his most advanced logical technologies.
Vasanthi a investigative journalist who wants to change this world with her magical words.
At last, PRAHELIKA a humanoid alient sent from the planet "Q" to unleash the human emotions on the earth.
Q = A Sci-FI sentimental novel which drives your brain and conveys emotion.
Add some bliss to your fright by playing this fresh out of the box new amusement 'Vijayarke's Q'. Drive your flying saucer without hitting your foe saucer and Make beyond any doubt you won't leave with which you tumbled down.
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About the Author:
Vijayarke is a writer, columnist and business visionary. Enthusiastic about the excellence of writing and a specialist in it who can transport you to some other time and place with his mysterious words. Vijayarke is an effective writer who is distributing his books, stories and spreading his group of onlookers all through the India since 1981.
One of the not very many authors who has his compositions in various classifications like Sci-Fi, Love, Comedy, Horror, Thriller, Personality Development and numerous more.
With his 36 years of composing background, he has penned more than 700 stories, 40 books and got his stories in all the main magazines

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更新日時:2024年6月3日 03時29分




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