Quantum Sequencer

価格 1200円
191.4MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者anthony saunders
リリース日2017-10-07 03:57:46
星5 (2人)
星5 (2人)
互換性iOS 12.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Quantum is a performance midi sequencer which approaches music composition with an interactive creation processes - sometimes referred to as 'noodling'.

Where pattern or piano-role sequencers are good for music forms (intro/verse/chorus etc) or grid entry, Quantum's approach is built around the idea of a step being the focus - think of the step as a single note or chord written on a music sheet then add a lot of extra notation (like probability of playing or ornamentation say).

These highly detailed steps are then aligned into sequences (think melodies) that loop. You can have any length up to 64, but these can be further split into 4 sub-sequences that have their own set of sequencer parameters (like tempo, play direction, transpose etc).

To enter step parameters such as note pitch, velocity, gated length etc, 16 general faders are available which allow you to draw, drag, select copy/paste, inc/dec & link together to edit values. These are also midi learnable (midi cc or nrpn) to allow you to use control surfaces or midi controllers.

To aid you with faster control Quantum has loop actions which you can program in to carry out tasks when a sequence loops - e.g. transpose, randomise, start or load another sequence etc.

With up to 24 sequences playing Quantum introduces a mixer page allowing you to blend midi velocities. Built on the MidiSequencer engine, midi FX, devices & Controllers are now possible per sequence.

So why would Quantum be good for your setup? There are many midi enabled IOS & hardware synths that produce exotic timbres if you send them fast & varied midi controls that you just would not hear with keyboard playing or slow tempo tunes. Also, Quantum, embraces experimentation in melody creation and by copy/pasting allowing quick setup of arpeggios & counterpoint tunes that you can create & manipulate on the fly!

note : This app sends midi information - you need to use it in conjunction with any midi enabled iOS synth app (e.g. Sunrizer) to hear sounds

fix for some iPhone/iPad screen layouts
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 09時28分




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