General Science Knowledge Test

価格 無料
119.6MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Asad Shoaib
リリース日2016-10-11 04:00:34
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 12.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
If you think you have too much General Science knowledge then think again, this app is developed for the sole purpose of measuring your General Science knowledge. If you think you could take a challenge then this app is for you.

This General Science game will take your quiz and on its basis it will predict your General Science knowledge score, it will actually tell you, how good Scientist you are.
General Science knowledge Test is a fun app which is developed for testing your General Science knowledge and thinking capabilities. This app provides its user with the best General Science education quizzes related to the fields of all branches of General Sciences. Designed in such a way, So that user’s General Science knowledge and dexterity could be evaluated.

This app will cover all the general topics of different fields of sciences.

This General Science game helps user to sharpening their knowledge and senses, help them to prepare for exams or tests which are based on all branches of Sciences and helps them to increase their knowledge. This app targets people of all ages, even children could enjoy tests created by this app and could enhance their General Science Knowledge. This app can be used for the preparation of School, Collage and Universities quizzes and also for entry tests. This app contains cool features like coloring the buttons green if the answer is correct otherwise coloring the button red because the answer is wrong. It provides multi-player functionality which enables you to play against the players around the world. It contains good graphics and less Ads. This app is extremely efficient, it is developed in such a way so that it could run smoothly in any device.

This app has been updated to accommodate separate sub categories of different science branches in contrast of general science.

Now users have an option to select individual categories like Biology, Biotechnology, botany, Chemistry, Computer Science, Astrology, Geology, Geography, Mathematics, Physics and Zoology. Some other historical categories are also included to provide more content and options to the users.

Following new features are added:-

* New improved app user interface, now users can see their facebook pictures along with score while competing with other users.

* Different game modes has been introduced, now user can select between SOLO and VS game modes.

* New graphics, music and sounds has been added to increase quiz engagement.

* Option for users to compete against intelligent bots has been added.

* Multiplayer Support has been refined further, So users can compete with their friends and family.

* In addition to General Science, we have included separate science categories So users have more options and hopefully it would be helpful for gaining more knowledge.


App Icons are used from icons8

Pictures, App sounds and music are used from pixabay

minor UI and performance fixes.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 16時15分




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