フリーワード アプリケーション検索

[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
**2015 Costs have been updated to $38.50** Speeding fine calculator using driver speed and speed limits; PA title 75: 3362. Speeding Fines PA is a calculator used to determine the associated values that will be listed on a traffic citation in the state of Pennsylvania. The user simply inputs the posted speed limit and the driver's speed and the values will be ultimately calculated using 2015 values from title 75 section 3362. Also, the associated points to be put on the offender's is also displayed. Click on Fines Doubled in o...
[ ビジネス ]
The ACEC-PA mobile app allows members at-your-fingertip access to information and services provided by ACEC-PA and its partners. ACEC-PA is devoted exclusively to the promotion and enhancement of the business interests of the consulting engineering industry in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
[ 教育 ]
The official VeggieTales Veggiecational interactive story book that will help young kids learn all their shapes! Pa Grape's car has no tires! But fear not! His trusty Robo 2000 New Tire Machine can create new wheels! That is, once Pa Grape decides what shape the tires should be. Kids and parents can read, create and share this story together to create a unique family bonding experience. Kids can also choose Read To Me to have Larry help them through voice-over narration. **Read: A full interactive experience with animations, ...
[ ニュース ]
PA News provides breaking news in Cambodia and the world as well as building knowledge contributing to Cambodia development. PA News sends the breaking news via Mobile Apps to your phone. PA News is the leading news in Cambodia.
[ 旅行 ]
Order a taxi cab in Lancaster PA and the surrounding areas from Yellow Cab using your iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch – 24 hours a day, 365 days a year!! Fast, convenient, and easy to use. Use a map to select your pick-up location, and track the location of your taxi. Receive notification alerts about the status of your booking, and when your taxi arrives. TAXI BOOKING FEATURES: • Request a taxi cab right now, or select a future date and time for pick-up. • Don’t know your location? – Send the taxi to your current GPS position. •...
[ 教育 ]
Profile of Phonological Awareness (Pro-PA) by Smarty Ears – Unleash the Power of Effective Speech & Literacy Development! Introducing the Pro-PA, a ground-breaking app designed for educators, speech-language pathologists, teachers, and parents, created in collaboration with Tanya Coyle and powered by Smarty Ears. This innovative app opens doors to early identification, assessment, and intervention in phonological awareness skills, setting a new standard in speech, language, and literacy development. KEY FEATURES: 1.Comprehensiv...
[ 辞書/辞典/その他 ]
PA Risponde è un motore di ricerca semantico sui temi della Pubblica Amministrazione che consente di porre domande in linguaggio naturale. PA Risponde è tra le app vincitrici di Apps4Italy nella categoria “App” al FORUM PA 2012 tenutosi a Roma il 19 maggio. Grazie alla tecnologia di QuestionCube, PA Risponde parla la tua lingua, comprende quello che cerchi e trova le risposte migliori. PA Risponde è una soluzione alternativa ai comuni motori di ricerca. Grazie all'utilizzo di tecnologie semantiche è in grado di cercare le rispos...
[ エンターテインメント ]
Aplicación oficial Pa’l Norte Music Fest Regidos por un mismo objetivo este año vuelve con gran fuerza una segunda edición del festival más poderoso de nuestra región, donde nuevas sorpresas se concentrarán en el Parque Diego Rivera y el calor de nuestra tierra se hará sentir con emoción. Recordando el 24 de Noviembre del 2012 en donde se reunieron 37,000 personas en Nuevo León para presenciar un acontecimiento histórico en nuestro estado, 17 de las bandas más importantes de México y algunas de Latinoamérica hicieron de Pa’l Norte...
[ ユーティリティ ]
Airropad Checklist PA28A-181 Archer II is a simple assistance tool for pilots on this type of aircraft (Piper PA28A-181 Archer II). This application is not a replacement of the aircraft manufacturer certified checklist and POH. - TOD calculator - ROD calculator - Crosswind calculator - Pressure conversion - Fuel calculator - Unit converters - More coming up... Important : THIS SOFTWARE IS NOT INTENDED TO REPLACE CERTIFIED AERONAUTICAL DOCUMENTS. WE DO NOT GUARANTEE ACCURACY AND COMPREHENSIVENESS OF THE INFORMATION PROVI...
[ エンターテインメント ]
The PaAgShows app brings you information about the Pennsylvania Farm Show and the Keystone International Livestock Exposition (KILE)to help plan your trip to the PA Farm Show Complex & Expo Center. The Keystone International Livestock Exposition is the largest livestock show on the east coast featuring draft horses, beef cattle, sheep, swine and a state championship barbeque contest. The PA Ag Shows app provides a schedule of breed shows, special events, sales and seminars. The one-touch feature gives the ability to call and em...
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