PoSo is a chart of a Buddhist calendar. A Buddhist calendar is The calendar starts with the year Buddha past away. Thailand use the first year of Buddhist calendar one year after Buddha past away. BC 543 is the start year of the Buddhist calendar. That is, the AD year plus 543 is the Buddhist year. In Thailand Buddhist year pronounce ”poso” and AD pronounce "koso".
西暦から仏暦を調べる早見表です。仏暦とは、釈迦が没した年を紀元とする暦法です。 タイでは涅槃に入った年から一年たった年を仏暦紀 元にしており、西暦紀元前543年が仏暦紀元と...
PoSo is a chart of a Buddhist calendar. A Buddhist calendar is
The calendar starts with the year Buddha past away. Thailand use the first year of Buddhist calendar one year after Buddha past away. BC 543 is the start year of the Buddhist calendar. That is, the AD year plus 543 is the Buddhist year. In Thailand Buddhist year pronounce ”poso” and AD pronounce "koso".