本會於1922年加入國際護理協會(International Council of Nurses, ICN),1949年遷台後曾與該會中斷聯繫,於1961年恢復會籍。ICN總會設在瑞士日內瓦,理事會每四年改選一次。ICN理事會設理事長1人、副理事長3人、理事1...
The Hong Kong ICT Awards were established in 2006 under a collaborative effort amongst the industry, the academia and the Government. The Awards aim at building a large scale and internationally recognised branding of ICT awards of Hong Kong.
The Hong Kong ICT Awards recognise, promote and commend the excellent achievements to which Hong Kong ICT professionals and organisations contribute. The Awards also encourage local practitioners to develop innovative and creative ICT solutions, which will uplift the i...