旅客於行前準備時,登入APP Store下載「日月潭個人化行動導覽」,即可透過簡易直覺的操作介面,在手機上賞玩旅遊目的地的導覽內容。對應不同需求情境,可選擇列表模式、地圖模式、AR模式、轉盤模式... ...等瀏覽形式。
Mobile Tour Guide-Sun Moon Lake
A location based service (LBS), let passengers tr...
The Sun Moon Lake is a beautiful alpine lake located in the middle of Taiwan complemented by the majestic mountains and forest that surround the lake which can be seen as more distant mountains fade into the sky.
Point your phone camera at the drawing and AR scenic animation will start automatically. Take photos and videos with the AR effect and share it with your fr...