## 写真に文字入れテキストブレンダー!! ##
This app allows the user to create great compositions (using masks) with images and texts.
Within a canvas the user can add a background image from gallery or camera that can be scaled and moved and add several text above that can be also moved and scaled as well as set to mask the image.
As usual, the app allows the user to share the final image using any app installe...
Magic Textを使うと、芸術的な画像を簡単な方法で作ることができます。テキストとステッカーを写真のエフェクトと融合させ、完璧な外観の特殊効果を作り出すことができるのです! 写真とテキストの鮮明なコントラストで、芸術的な雰囲気を作りましょう!
***** 綺麗 ,使い方がイマイチわかりません by スーパーまり子
***** とても使いやすい!かわいい!こんなアプリ他にはない!by ちあE.T.
***** This app is amazing! I'm a photographer and poet so this is amazing for me to get my words across to other people! by Lol-is-wat-u-call-LOL
***** Depois de apren...