Shuffle News

価格 無料
開発者Media Group of America
リリース日2014-11-27 00:44:50
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-26 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Stop wasting your time reading boring news outlets! Try Shuffle today.

Shuffle is your news dealer: the most important news stories you care about are now delivered algorithmically in a clear and easy-to-use way with a “deck of news cards” that are selected based on five relevance attributes: interests, friends, location, timeliness, and popularity. You can view a deck based on all or only one of these attribute with its quick filters.

Shuffle is truly overdue. Everything we do today is catered to personal preferences and convenience through mobile apps. Banking, social media, music, fitness, even movie tickets – but never anything before specifically for news like Shuffle. Before Shuffle, you would have visit your favorite news sites one at a time, set up an RSS reader manually, scroll endlessly through your social feeds, or set up apps that didn’t use passive data to really learn about the type of information you are really interested in and interact with.

To start shuffling, you simply select a few preferred news categories and publishers. Then Shuffle’s algorithm puts the news you care most about right in front of you.

News stories are presented as a deck of cards. You swipe left if you don’t like the news story; tap the news card to read it; or swipe right to add the news story to your reading list. Shuffle remembers what stories you like and don’t like and refines what news stories it presents to you.

The reading list is composed of the news stories you liked or that you wanted to read at a later time. After reading a story, you can either remove it, or recommend it to your friends and followers through social media, through email, or directly to other Shufflers.

Every action take on a news card in Shuffle is fed back into “Courier,” which improves the sorting of relevant information. Swiping left, indicates not interested, swiping right means you are interested and adds it to your reading list for later, clicking it right away loads the article on the publisher’s site, finally sharing an article or following a publisher both are extreme indicators of satisfaction. All of these actions are valued and in realtime change the way Shuffle thinks about the news you are most likely to find interesting.


Optimised launch of app to get you your decks faster
Squashed Bugs
Cleaned up some visual elements
More relevant content

So get swiping away and find content tailored for you!
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月26日 22時04分




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