Reflections for Lent Daily 2014: Bible Notes from the Church of England

価格 無料
開発者Aimer Media
リリース日2014-02-14 08:20:01
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Reflections for Lent offers a simple way to make space for Bible study and reflection from Ash Wednesday (5th March 2014) to Holy Saturday.

This standalone app provides a chance to try the readings from best-selling Reflections for Daily Prayer app but without requiring a subscription.

Each day (excluding Sundays) it provides daily Bible readings, a reflection by a leading author, and a prayer for the day.

Christians have used the season of penitence we call Lent to prepare for Jesus' suffering, death and resurrection at Easter. In Lent it is traditional to fast, pray and practice self-denial. But keeping Lent also involves taking up things that help us focus on God.

In particular, Christians are encouraged to set aside time for reading and meditating on God's word. Reflections for Lent can help you find a time and space to do this - on the move, at work or at home.

For each of the forty days of Lent, the app gives you:
- A reflection on a Bible reading
- A Collect (prayer)
- Option to read reflection within "Simple Morning Prayer" format
- Full lectionary details for Morning Prayer from Common Worship
- A new introduction to Lent by Jane Williams
- Tips on Morning Prayer from John Pritchard and on reading the Bible from Stephen Cottrell
- An Order for Night Prayer (Compline)

The daily reflections are written by leading authors Ian Adams, Christopher Cocksworth, John Pritchard and Angela Tilby

Other features of this app:
- Browse reflections by date, author and Bible reading
- Bookmark your favourite daily entries for easy reference
- See reflections for the week ahead
- Follow Bible reference links to the online Oremus Bible Browser (NRSV) - no need for a separate Bible app

The Reflections for Lent app is published by Church House Publishing, the official publisher of the Church of England. For more information visit or

Terms of service can be found at

Of course, the practice of daily prayer and Bible reading is one many people aim to keep beyond Lent. If you enjoy using this Reflections for Lent app, you can access same high-quality content all year round with the Reflections for Daily Prayer app.

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