Disco Zoo

価格 無料
158.8MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者NimbleBit LLC
リリース日2014-02-27 17:00:00
星4.61176 (85人)
星4.61176 (85人)
互換性iOS 12.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
From the creators of Tiny Tower comes Disco Zoo! Tiny Animals. Big Fun.

Travel to regions around the world and collect everything from pigs to dinosaurs for your Disco Zoo. Discover hidden animals through casual puzzle play. Manage and expand your zoo to maximize earnings. Throw funky disco parties to get your animals and visitors groovin’!

Disco Sue’s Zookeeper Log:

Can you believe it?! Disco Zoo opened its doors over 10 years ago. There are lots of new things here at the zoo to talk about! Including balloons! What’s a birthday party without balloons?

Let’s see… first off, I’m really excited about the new Pet Hospital and Lounge we’ve built! You’ll be able to rescue pets and heal them, then decide whether you’d like to adopt them. What kind of Pet Lounge will you create?

Our scouting team has been busy and found two new regions for you to explore and rescue animals from. Get those new vehicles ready!

With all these new animals, we’ve added name tags so you can keep track of your favorites! If you name one of your animals, visitors will know what to call it!

To say thanks for returning to the zoo, we’ve set up a new daily rewards program. But don’t worry, you’ll never lose a reward if you miss a day.

And there’s so much more! Help visitors find missing binoculars and you’ll get a nice reward. While exploring space regions you might find space coins when you miss an animal, and if you don’t like your current Space reQuests, you can ask for new ones. We’ve redesigned the trophy gardens so they match their regions. We’ve been researching our timeless animals and found new variations for them all. There are so many more improvements we’ve made all around the zoo. And did I mention the balloons?

Finally, we took care of a few more bugs. After all, bugs are bound to appear in a zoo from time to time.

We’ve been really busy. But it’s all in a day’s work for a Disco Zookeeper!
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 10時42分




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