Pop-up Mouse and the Meadow

価格 無料
111.6MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者Dawn Publications
リリース日2014-01-21 05:44:17
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 6.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
PLEASE NOTE: This app currently works on iPad 2 and above, and on iPhone 4 and above. Please also note that the app requires the children's book, The Mouse and the Meadow - available now! It can also be used with sample pages provided on the "New Pop-Up App" page on the Dawn Publications website.

GET SAMPLE PAGES & THE BOOK AT: http://www.dawnpub.com/apps/3dpopup/

Watch your book “magically” become 3D! This free app, used in conjunction with the printed book The Mouse and the Meadow, will make animals and other features on the pages of the book “pop-up” in 3D when viewed through your iPhone or iPad. See the mouse run from the snake! See the owl swoop down! See the lightning bug flash! The meadow becomes more real when the book is seen with the help of this app, which applies Augmented Reality technology to the book.

In the book, written and illustrated by Chad Wallace, a curious young mouse boldly ventures into the meadow for the first time. There he is given a crash course on life--from creatures both friendly and not so friendly. Science and story blend seamlessly in this entertaining coming of age tale.

* Diana Dove, Environmental Educator, says: “Here’s a charming story that leads the reader through a meadow, experiencing the beauty of nature while dodging the dangers from meadow predators. The daily struggle to survive, coupled with an appreciation for the natural world, provide a dynamic underlying theme.”

* Liz Roy, retired teacher and member of the Izaak Walton League of America's Environmental Education Committee says: “Imagine you are a little meadow mouse out for a day of adventure. Your world is full of friends, dangers, and surprises at every turn. Tomorrow is another day but now you have a friend to share it with. This story is not only entertaining but good for vocabulary development, and the science concepts are accurately illustrated throughout.”

* Mark Moran, teacher at the Island Creek Elem. School, Alexandria, VA, says: “The Mouse and the Meadow is a terrific introduction for young readers to the inner workings of a meadow. Readers experience the meadow at ‘ground level’ as they follow the young mouse’s explorations and learn about the relationships and interconnectedness of the plants and animals that live there. A very entertaining, informative, and enjoyable read!’

Chad Wallace is a creative rising star from the Hudson River Valley of New York. The app developer is Malachi Bazan of Grass Valley, California. Published by Dawn Publications, Nevada City, California.

Now available for iPhone 4 and up, and iPad 2 and up.
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更新日時:2024年6月2日 02時37分




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