
価格 120円
開発者Takumi Shirakawa
リリース日2013-12-17 08:36:22
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
◆ 90秒でわかる紹介ビデオ、公開中: http://youtu.be/i_OzkyDzL1I

◆ なんのおとかな? あててみよう!



◆ 遊び方

1. アプリを起動して「はじめ!」ボタンを押すと、「もんだい」画面から1問目の音が流れます。音は繰り返し再生されるので、よく聴いて何の音か当てて下さい。
2. 「こたえをみる」ボタンを押すと、「こたえ」画面にビデオが表示され、音を出していた物が何だったのか見ることができます。
3. 左下にある4つのボタンを押すと、拍手や笑い声など色々な音が出ます。
4. 「つぎへいく」ボタンを押すと再び「もんだい」画面に移り、次の問題の音が再生されます。
5. 20問の再生が終わると、一回のゲームは終了です。「またねー」画面で「もういちど」ボタンを押すと、また最初から遊べます。
6. 一回ごとに、50問以上の問題の中からランダムに20問が出題されます。

ご意見や不具合などのご連絡は feedback@vaccamode.com までお寄せください。


** PLEASE NOTE ** This game is written in Japanese only and have NOT localized for any other languages yet. However, if you can read or are learning Japanese Hiragana, maybe you can enjoy this.

◆ Check out the introductory video (90 seconds): http://youtu.be/i_OzkyDzL1I

◆ What's This Sound? Make a Guess!

The sound of my mom breaking eggs, of my elder sister using scissors, or of me playing a piano... It is very crowded with many kind of sounds around kids.

This app "What's This Sound?" ("なんのおと?" in Japanese) is a quiz game that you guesses the sound of a thing, without looking the hidden images. The "things" are everyday things or toys - such as a hair dryer, a pencil sharpener, a ballpoint pen, or so. It's sounds easy, but fairly difficult than you expected!

This game is for enjoying a gathering with your family or friends, like with simple riddles. This is not like ordinary video games; there is no points, no input, or no rewards for your answers.

◆ How To Play

1. Open the app and tap the Start button at the bottom center.

2. Question 1 is displayed and you can hear the sound repeatedly. Listen carefully and guess what's the sound!

3. Tap the Show Answer button at the bottom center. Then the hidden images (video) is displayed, and you will find the answer.

4. While the video being displayed, there is four buttons at the lower left corner. If you tap those, you can hear various cheerful sounds (like laughing, applauding, etc.).

5. When you tap the Next Question button (at the lower right corner), you move to the next question, and hear the sounds.

6. After the 20th question, this game is over (for now), and the app displays the Bye Now screen. If you tap the Again button (at lower center), a new game will start.

At this time, there are 56 questions in the app. From the questions, 20 questions are selected randomly for each game.

We will add new questions continuously... and of course, localize for your language!

If you have suggestions, opinions, or problems, etc., please mail us: feedback@vaccamode.com
Thank you!

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月3日 17時37分




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