The Best Motivational Speaker

価格 120円
開発者Muhammad Efendi
リリース日2014-01-04 04:55:57
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-07-01 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
This apps has 101 motivational speakers who are very expert and famous. Most of them are motivational expert and author of the popular book. And some of them are CEO or Founder. Every speaker has more than 250 videos that has very usefull content for people who want to learn important things from them. For you who is interesting in motivational and public speaking, this apps is one of your choice.
Using this apps it is very easy way to spread their videos content out to your social media.

This apps has usefull function like these,
- Put the video link in your bookmark
- Share through facebook, twitter, linkedin, google+ and email.
- Search related videos
- Note for video, make easy to know the content of video
- Change the design and colour
- Note for each speaker

The motivational expert speakers are as below,

- Adele Landauer
- Alvin Law
- Anthony Robbins
- Bill Cosby
- Bob Losyk
- Bob Proctor
- Brian Tracy
- Byrd Baggett
- Carol Grace Anderson
- Catherine Kaputa
- Cheryl Cran
- Chris Widener
- Christine Cashen
- Christopher Bauer
- Dan Millman
- Dean Lindsay
- Debbie Allen
- Deepak Chopra
- Delatorro McNeal II
- Doug Lipp
- Elizabeth Gilbert
- Fred Kofman
- Garrison Wynn
- George Lucas
- Giovanni Livera
- Jack Canfield
- Jacqueline Novogratz
- James Malinchak
- James Mapes
- Janet Lapp
- Jean Chatzky
- Jeanne Bliss
- Jeannie DuBose
- Jeff Korhan
- Jim Abbott
- Jim Kouzes
- Jim Lawless
- Jim Loehr
- Jim Rohn
- Joan Lunden
- John Amatt
- John Baldoni
- John C. Maxwell
- John Demartini
- John Krubski
- Joy Bauer
- Juliet Funt
- Kenny J. Anderson
- Kivi Bernhard
- Kristin Baird
- Les Brown
- Les McKeown
- Libby Gill
- Linda Armstrong
- Linda Ellerbee
- Linda Larsen
- Liz Wiseman
- Loretta LaRoche
- Lynne Lancaster
- Marcus Allen
- Mark LeBlanc
- Mark Victor Hansen
- Mary Marcdante
- Michael Anthony
- Michael Bergdahl
- Mike Abrashoff
- Molly Fletcher
- Morton Kondracke
- Nick Vujicic
- Patch Adams
- Randy Gage
- Rasmus Ankersen
- Ricky Kalmon
- Robert Kiyosaki
- Robin Sharma
- Robyn Benincasa
- Ron Archer
- Ross Bernstein
- Sally Hogshead
- Sara Blakely
- Scott Klososky
- Shawn Achor
- Shishir Srivastava
- Simon Bailey
- Stephen Covey
- Stephen Pierce
- Steve S Little
- Susan Beacham
- T. Harv Eker
- Terri Sjodin
- Tom Hopkins
- Troy Aikman
- Ty Bennett
- Valerie Ramsey
- Victor Antonio
- Victoria Labalme
- Wally Amos
- Wayne Dyer
- Weldon Long
- Willie Jolley
- Zig Ziglar

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更新日時:2024年7月1日 04時31分




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