Sales Rabbit - Canvassing and Door to Door Sales Tool

価格 無料
開発者Sales Rabbit LLC
リリース日2013-10-29 01:37:19
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-02 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Sales Rabbit is the ultimate tool for canvassing and door-to-door sales teams. This app helps reps be more motivated, more efficient, and ultimately more productive.

● Manage Leads: Sales Rabbit enables door-to-door reps to easily manage leads with a visual map of the area. Reps can track interest level, status, notes and more for leads all in one place. We have streamlined this process to make it as efficient as possible.

● Set Appointments: Quickly set up sales appointment dates and times. Reps can also pull up a list of appointments/callbacks for the day and even get turn-by-turn directions back to the house.

● Auto Sync Leads: Leads automatically sync so no matter what device reps log into they are covered. Managers may view all leads and export them as a csv if needed.

● Sales Materials: Paper charts and printouts are a thing of the past. Sales Rabbit is able to eliminate any need for clipboards or binders, by providing easy access to customizable sales materials such as pricing guides, equipment descriptions, videos.

● Sketch Board: Built-in sketch board to illustrate any sales presentation. Adjust color and pen size as needed.

● Customize Appearance: You can even customize the accent color used throughout the app to match your brand. Easy to add your own company/product logo as well.

*** HUGE update for Sales Rabbit ***

- You have asked for it and it is finally here. Customizable lead statuses!
- Brand new interface for working with leads in the map view! You are going to love it.
- Lead appointments can now be synced to your calendar. To turn this feature on go to the "Home" view and select the gear icon in the top left corner, then turn on the ability to sync appointments to your calendar. The appointments will sync to your default calendar. If you would like to change what your default calendar is go to the Settings app, then "Mail, Contacts, Calendars", then under "Calendars" you can change what the default calendar is set to.
- You asked. Now you can stay logged in! No need to worry about logging in multiple times throughout the day.
- New completely redesigned lead "Street" view. Check it out!
- New customer locator feature. See all current customers nearby based on your current location.
- App looks better than ever!
- Multiple bugs squashed.
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月2日 02時25分




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