OneList - One Single List

価格 120円
リリース日2013-12-03 11:06:03
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-27 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
OneList is a simple yet powerful list-making application. As the name suggests, OneList only contains a single list. However, each item in the list can be considered as another individual list. With this in mind, OneList let's you zoom into each list item and treat it like a whole new list.

Main features and difference with other list-making applications:
1. OneList only has one list
2. Each item can have unlimited sub-lists, and each of the sub-lists can have unlimited sub-lists with unlimited levels
3. Basic TODO features
4. Dynamic filtering so that you can find your item as you type
5. Jump menu from title to provide convenience way to zoom out, also let you know where did you zoom in from

For each list item, you can
1. Add new item under it
2. Left indent
3. Right indent
4. Mark it as complete
5. Move it
6. delete it
7. export it

OneList also provides basic TODO features such as
1. Set due date
2. Set reminder date
3. Mark item as complete

OneList is a minimalistic application and try to use as simple user interface as possible. Almost all of the operations are done in the main page and item details page except for Settings.

In the list page, you can do following gestures on each item
1. Swipe left to go into item details page
2. Swipe right to zoom out
3. Single tap to expand/collapse
4. Double tap to zoom in
5. Long press to show menu
6. Tap on the top title area will display jump menu which also indicates where did you zoom in from

In the item details page, you can
1. Swipe right to save and exit
2. Set title, due date, reminder date, mark complete and set notes

Please give comments and we will take your suggestions very seriously.

** Future Release
iCloud Sync Support
Dropbox Sync Support

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 18時21分




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