GOAZ-Discover your ideal trip

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リリース日2013-08-20 15:14:16
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星4.77778 (9人)
互換性iOS 11.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-29 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Welcome to GOAZ! We would like you to join this community of travelers in which all together we are trying to revolutionize the way of organizing trips. Before, we selected a destination that we considered was perfect for our trip. Now, GOAZ IAT invites you to discover the ideal destination for you.

Do you know what your ideal destination is?

With so much desire to travel accumulated it´s difficult right now to choose what our destination is going to be. Surely, we have somewhere in mind because someone have told us about it, but it is possible that that destination does not fit perfectly with what we want for our trip. With so many possibilities in sight, choosing a destination that suits our tastes and preferences is not an easy task. For this reason, at GOAZ we have launched Europe's first travel recommendation platform based on Artificial Intelligence. We use a sophisticated algorithm system that analyzes the different cities of the world and matches them with your profile and interests as a user when planning your trip.

Have you ever considered traveling to Naples? It may never have caught your eye as a destination, but it may be the ideal city for you. GOAZ IAT analyzes more than 40 different parameters of all the cities of the world and, through a small test, travelers can select their tastes and preferences. The result is the ideal city, or the ones that can best match what you are looking for at that moment. Do you want to discover it?

What else can you do on GOAZ?

Show the great traveler inside. Share with the community the best places you know. Upload your best travel postcards and share your experience in a city through travel guides. Help other travelers like you to organize their getaways by following your travel itineraries.

No one better than you, who has lived a trip, to give first-hand recommendations through your travel guides. Your opinion is the most valuable for GOAZERS, so go ahead and give all the possible data that will allow users of the community to relive the great trip you remember.

In GOAZ we have also thought about travel lovers and those who want to take ideas for their next destination. In the GOAZ profile, travelers will find free travel guides from all the cities of Spain and numerous cities in the world. More than 300 smart guides that show you the best corners of the city, organize your itinerary for 1, 3 or 4 days ... and, also, when you arrive at your destination, they will help you move from one place to another and show you all Full details of the place you are visiting.

Recommendations of Hotels and Restaurants in GOAZ

There´s no catch. We ´ve worked tirelessly to create an algorithm capable of detecting the best hotels and restaurants in a city. And for better we don't mean the most expensive. We have heard the preferences of the GOAZERS, what you like when eating or sleeping, what you expect from a restaurant or what you value most when you arrive at a hotel.

With all the information we have about you, we have analyzed each and every one of the restaurants and hotels in each city in Spain to tell you firsthand which are the ones that will offer you a great experience. You have restaurants and hotels of all types and categories and none of them appear at your own will. If the algorithm we have created does not detect that it is a quality site, we do not recommend it. We do not want GOAZ to become an advertising space, we want to be honest with you and that our algorithm is the one that recommends these quality places.

This is GOAZ, this is the GOAZERS, a community designed for everyone who loves to travel and we want first-hand and real recommendations. What are you waiting for then to organize the next getaway?

Be a GOAZER !!!

Discover the ideal city for your trip!

- With the GOAZ recommender, we analyze your profile as a traveler and cross it with more than 40 parameters from all the cities in the world. Our Artificial Intelligence tells us which is the perfect city for the trip you have in mind.

- Fill in the small QUIZ that you will find in the App and let yourself be surprised by your ideal destination.

Be a Goazer!
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更新日時:2024年6月29日 12時38分




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