Rest Relax Reflect - Calm Down

価格 120円
開発者Avrin Ross
リリース日2013-07-28 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 8.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
• Rainfall, Snowfall, Fireplace, Thunderstorms & Space Travel
• 5 Different Scenes For Each Category
• Real High Quality Sound Effects and Backgrounds(except Space Travel…maybe?)
• Sound Tone and Animation Level Options
• HD Retina Resolution Design
• No Annoying Sound Loop Pauses or Clicks
• Black & White Option for Every Scene

Turn off the TV, put down the controller, log off of the social networks, grab your drink of choice, find a comfortable area to sit or lay down, open up this app.

Rest, Relax, and Reflect with real rainfall, snowfall, thunderstorms, fireplaces, or simulated space travel.

Each category has 5 different scenes with 4 different sound tone and animation level options. You can also strip the color out and transform any scene into black & white with the press of a button. Real sound effects, HD graphics, real background scenes(except space travel....maybe), and no annoying loop pauses. I almost fell asleep several times while developing and testing this app. It easily helped me relax even when I wasn't trying to. If you like the sound of nature with rain, snow, storms, and/or fire then you will probably enjoy this app. This app doesn’t only provide sound though, it also performs as a simulator by having animations.

There's also no internet connection required after downloading it. So you can enjoy the scenes without worrying about streaming anything and using data. You can also turn the animations off and just enjoy the audio, or turn the audio off and just stare into the relaxing animated simulations. For the full experience set a sound tone and animation level and enjoy both at the same time. Rest, Relax and Reflect is one of the best relaxation simulation apps on the App Store. Use this app for meditation, relaxation, lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, help falling asleep, as a nature simulator, and more.

Rest, Relax, and Reflect isn't just an app though, it's an experience. Embrace it.

8-Bit Avrin Apps

Performance improvements and optimizations. Enjoy! Take care!
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 07時47分




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