Belgrade Talking

価格 無料
開発者Telekom Srbija
リリース日2013-07-20 11:38:01
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-10-06 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Visiting Belgrade? Discover one of the most popular destinations in Eastern Europe and its rich history with this all-encomapassing FREE „Augmented Reality“ app. Use your smart-phones camera to look at and find intriguing historical structures, learn about their inhabitants and discover famous figures. Using the app does not incur any roaming charges.

„Belgrade Talking“ will take you to more than 30 significant locations around town. Your phone will captivate you with the history, events and the earliest recorded photos tied to these landmarks. We combed through the hidden history of these places to bring you anecdotes and intriguing facts that together bring out the historical soul of the city. Monuments come alive as they themselves tell the stories of the people who built them, the figures they represent, and their significance to Belgrade's and Serbia's history.

When you're ready to hit the sights, simply open the app, aim your phone and turn on the „Augmented Reality“ setting to find the nearest landmarks. You'll be able to open up an array of short stories about historical and cultural establishments that have helped shape the city into one of the most beautiful metropolises in Eastern Europe. An audio guide will read the descriptions of each location, so you can keep your eyes on the beautiful arhitecture, and off your screen.

Using the built-in map, you can plan your ideal tour through the past and the present of this lively metropolis. The app will even recommend the best route based on your current location! Choose your path dependent on your interests or mood – walk past some of the most famous buildings in the city, or visit the most important sacred sites, the choice is yours!

During the EXIT Festival, the app can tell you all about 10 of the most significant locations at Petrovaradin Fortress where the festival will be held!


Dolazite u Beograd, jedan od najposećenijih gradova u ovom delu Evrope? Proširite svoje znanje o gradu bogate istorije, koji sada pripoveda priče o svojim građevinama, znamenitostima, ljudima, putem sveobuhvatne BESPLATNE aplikacije i koncepta „izmenjene stvarnosti“. Iskoristite kameru svog pametnog telefona – pogledajte kroz nju i na brz i zabavan način pronađite zanimljive istorijske objekte, saznajte zanimljivosti o građevinama, njenim stanovnicima i znamenitim ličnostima. Nakon preuzimanja aplikacije, nema dodatnih troškova rominga.

Beograd priča vas vodi na više od 30 najznačajnijih gradskih lokacija. Izgled objekata na vašem telefonu proširen je istorijatom građevina, najznačajnijim događajima koji se za nju vezuju, prvim sačuvanim fotografijama. Istražili smo i njihovu skrivenu istoriju, kako bismo vam predstavili anegdote i zanimljivosti koje čine kolektivno pamćenje grada. Spomenici sada sami govore o svojim graditeljima, ličnostima koje predstavljaju, njihovom značaju za istoriju grada i Srbije.

Kada poželite da krenete u razgledanje grada, dovoljno je da usmerite telefon, uključite „izmenjenu stvarnost“ i pomoću vaše kamere pronađete najbliže lokacije. Otvoriće vam se sled kratkih priča o kulturnim i istorijskim znamenitostima grada kojeg je upravo istorija izvajala u jednu od najlepših metropola u ovom delu Evrope. Preslušajte tekst putem audio snimka koji je obezbeđen na svakoj lokaciji, dok razgledate građevine usredsređeni na njenu arhitekturu i detalje a ne na ekran telefona.

Tokom trajanja muzičkog festivala EXIT, aplikacija će vam pričati priče o 10 najznačajnijih lokacija na Petrovaradinskoj tvrđavi, mestu održavanja festivala.

This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate.

Beograd je grad koji podjednako živi danju i noću. Svoje znamenitosti otvoreno nudi svima koji žele da prošetaju gradom kroz vekove. Ume da čuva svoje tajne, ali i da ih podeli sa onima koji bi da otkriju mesta dugo skrivana od pogleda. Upravo njima je namenjena nova ruta „Beograd ispod Beograda“, sa deset podzemnih lokacija u okviru aplikacije „Beograd priča“ Telekoma Srbija. Nova ruta je poziv da se odškrinu vrata nekih od najvećih misterija grada – da li je postojao tunel koji je spajao Beogradsku tvrđavu i Zemun? Zašto je sagrađen bunar kod spomenika Vuku Karadžiću? Šta sve kriju pećine ispod parka Tašmajdan?

Belgrade is the city which leads two simultaneous lives – one by night and one by day. It offers its cultural monuments to everyone willing to take a stroll through centuries in the city. It can keep its secrets but it can also share them with the ones who wish to discover the places long hidden from sight. The new route „Belgrade underneath Belgrade“ has been especially designed for them, with ten underground locations within the „Belgrade Talking“ application developed by Telekom Srbija. The new route is an invitation to sneak through the doors to some of the greatest mysteries of the city – was there a tunnel which connected the Belgrade Fortress and Zemun? Why is there a well near the monument to Vuk Karadzic? What is hidden in the caves underneath the Tasmajdan Park?
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年10月6日 12時16分




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