Food Hole

価格 無料
292.4MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
開発者PlayEmber Sp. z o.o.
リリース日2023-06-07 16:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 12.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
Welcome to the world of Food Hole! Take control of a ravenous hole on a mission to create delectable dishes. In this casual arcade-style game, your objective is simple: maneuver the hole around captivating levels, gathering food ingredients scattered in intriguing patterns. With a timer ticking away, you'll need swift moves and strategic thinking to collect all the ingredients before time runs out.

After you gather ingredients, a mesmerizing transformation occurs. Watch as the collected items fly out of the hole, magically combining to form mouthwatering meals like burgers, pizzas, ice creams, donuts, and hot dogs. But the challenge doesn't end there! Your culinary journey is intertwined with the satisfaction of hungry customers waiting outside your food stall. Only by creating enough of the specified food item can you satisfy the cravings of your eager patrons.

To enhance your hole's abilities and maximize your culinary prowess, Food Hole offers a range of purchasable upgrades. With each successful round, your earnings grow, giving you the chance to unlock more upgrades. Choose wisely among options such as extra time, a larger hole, or increased hole speed to tailor your gameplay experience.

Immerse yourself in this addictive game, where quick reflexes and strategic upgrades pave the way to gastronomic triumphs. With its intuitive controls and captivating gameplay, Hole Food provides endless hours of entertainment for casual gamers of all ages.

Are you ready to swipe, collect, and serve your way to becoming a culinary master? Embark on your flavorful adventure in Food Hole today!

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月27日 12時38分




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