Learn Windows Programming by WAGmob

価格 無料
開発者Kalpit Jain
リリース日2013-05-03 08:28:55
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-03 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
* * * * * WAGmob: An app platform for learning, teaching and training is offering 50% DISCOUNT for a limited time only.Download today!!! * * * * *

WAGmob brings you Simple 'n Easy, on-the-go learning app for "Learn Windows Programming".

*You can purchase "Learn Windows Phone Programming* and Learn Windows 8 Programming*" application from within this app (In-app Purchase) just for $0.99 each.

You have limited access to the content provided. For full access to the content, please purchase this application.

The app provides:

1. Snack sized chapters for easy learning.
2. Bite sized flashcards to memorize key concepts.

Designed for both students and adults.

This app provides a quick summary of essential concepts of Windows Phone Programming and Windows 8 Programming by following snack sized chapters:

"Learn Windows Phone Programming" Includes:

(Each chapter of Windows Phone Programming has corresponding flashcards)

Introduction to WP,
WP and Programming Basics,
Visual Studio 2012,
Silverlight Basics,
XAML Basics,
XNA Basics,
Windows Phone Application Lifecycle,
Debugging WP Programs,
Basic XAML Controls I,
Basic XAML Controls II.

"Learn Windows 8 Programming" includes:

(Each chapter of Windows 8 Programming has corresponding flashcards)

Basics of W8,
Windows 8 Architecture,
Installing Visual Studio,
Getting Started with W8 Programming I,
Getting Started with W8 Programming II,
App States and Lifecycle,
Introducing Basic Controls,
Splash Screen and Storage,
Navigation Layout and Views.

About WAGmob apps:

1) A companion app for on-the-go, bite-sized learning.

2) Over Three million paying customers from 175+ countries.

Why WAGmob apps:

1) Beautifully simple, Amazingly easy, Massive selection of apps.

2) Effective, Engaging and Entertaining apps.

3) An incredible value for money. Lifetime of free updates!

* * * WAGmob Vision : simpleNeasy apps for a lifetime of on-the-go learning. * * *

* * * WAGmob Mission : A simpleNeasy WAGmob app in every hand. * * *

* * * WAGmob Platform: A unique platform to create and publish your own apps & e-Books. * * *

Please visit us at www.wagmob.com or write to us at Team@wagmob.com.

We would love to improve our app and app platform.

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  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月3日 20時41分




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