SureFire Poker

価格 500円
リリース日2013-04-24 13:08:25
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
By having read and accepted this information by downloading this application, you declare that you fully understand that this application is only a training and learning aid and we strongly advise that it is not to be used for playing poker with real money at any time.

SureFire poker is a poker training and learning application created to get people to think about the possibilities and probabilities of cards to be dealt during a hand and in having that knowledge they may be able to play smarter poker with fewer errors and chances taking place.

The app is easy to use with quick reaction time, allowing you not to miss a beat while playing a for “play money” poker game online to learn more about the mathematical odds of the game. The large keyboard and icons make it easy to read even on an iPod Touch, or play on your iPhone or iPad.

The application itself is not a gambling tool but only an algorithmic odds calculator that can predict future board cards in order to assist a player in making correct betting decisions. Experienced professional players use this same method all the time but do not need the application because they can do this in their head during the game. We on the other hand need some help to start with and progress as we learn this system of thinking to the point when the app will no longer be needed.

The application is meant to display the likely possible cards with the highest probability that may be dealt on the board during the next hand and to get you to think about the hand more seriously in order to make smarter decisions even with high value cards in your hand. The whole idea is that the more you think about your hand, and what could come up, the better choices you can make.

During testing of this application for over two years we found that the testers playing with the application have found they are typically more conservative, and therefore lose less often as they get involved in fewer hands and tend to win when it is least expected. Just thinking about the outcomes can shed a great deal of some light into how professionals play this game and why so often they win in tournaments seen on television. Train yourself to think harder and play smarter and you will see better results. The app produces better results as more hands are played and the algorithm collects a great deal of data that can be used to calculate the odds.

Think of your outs, and think of their pouts! Remember, don’t play for money and you will never lose!

Use this game when playing at home with friends or online to learn how to play smarter, but DO NOT use it to waste your hard earned cash.

The cards predicted by the app are based on a mathematical algorithm and are only a RANDOM indication in order to get you to think twice about your hand. Play smart and play for fun only.

By having read and accepted this information by downloading the application, you declare that you fully understand that this application is only a training and learning aid and we strongly advise that it is not to be used for playing poker with real money at any time.

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年9月28日 22時03分




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