Cat First Aid Buddy by The Happy Pet Vet

価格 無料
開発者The Happy Pet Vet
リリース日2012-12-18 13:03:42
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Do you know *exactly* what to do when your cat gets sick or injured? Dr. Tawnia Shaw developed this app after years of frustration answering an after-hours pet emergency hotline.

Time and time again a cat owner would call and describe a situation that would have been simple to solve... if only they had called sooner, but now it was an emergency with limited options and needless expenses.

Cat First Aid Buddy was built so that you will know what is a serious emergency and when you don't need to worry.

*** All of the Most Common Cat Emergencies

In addition to her daily work at the animal hospital Dr. Tawnia Shaw has answered thousands of calls while working an after hours pet emergency hotline.

She has taken that experience and — over the course of several months — compiled the problems pet owners face in real life, not just what shows up in a typical first aid book, along with exactly what to do when they pop up.

*** Written in Easy to Understand Language

After Dr. Shaw wrote the instructions for dealing with each situation we had a technical writer go over every line with a fine-toothed comb… making the explanations and directions as clear as possible.

But that wasn’t enough. We want Cat First Aid Buddy to be so easy a child could understand it… so we had a grade school teacher go over everything again. Simplifying it as much as possible.

Making everything as clear and simple as possible is important to us, and it will be important to you when your cat is in trouble too. This is one area we expect to continue work on for years to come.

*** It starts with S.A.F.E.

Knowing what to do for a certain emergency is only part of the problem, first you need to know how to look at the situation, how to keep yourself (and your cat) safe, and how to figure out what’s really wrong.

That way you can safely and confidently take care of the problem yourself or know just what to say when you call your veterinarian.

*** Built for Speed

There is no time to waste when your cat is hurt, so we set out to build the fastest first aid system on the planet… and we did it.

Our search is faster, much faster, than any human can type… that was the easy part. We also researched what words normal cat owners use to describe their cat’s problems in real emergencies.

Nobody says they have an “aural hematoma” when their cat’s ear is bloody… but you wouldn’t know that looking at most pet first aid books and apps. We use simple every-day language that cat owner’s understand, not medical jargon that only a veterinarian could puzzle out. If you’re a veterinarian you know this stuff already :)

Each problem you may face is listed several ways, so it doesn’t matter whether you think to search for “Pacing” or “Won’t lie down,” You’ll get right to the solution you need.

*** Get the Right Gear

Knowing what to do may not be enough if you don’t have the right stuff with you. Dr. Shaw shares her years of experience helping people stock their pet first aid kits… without wasting money on things you don’t need.

Each first aid kit item comes with a picture so you’ll know just what to look for when browsing the shelves at your local drugstore or, if you prefer to shop online, there are links to the best deals we could find for each item.

*** Dr. Shaw

Dr. Tawnia Shaw is the creator of the Cat First Aid Buddy iPhone app.

She holds Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine degrees from both Oregon and Washington State Universities.

She also holds a State Wildlife Rehabilitation permit from the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife and treats sick and injured wildlife and exotic animals from hundreds of miles around both at Everett Veterinary where she works and Badger Run Wildlife Rehab where she volunteers.

Dr. Shaw is on call 24x7x365 for emergencies involving exotic pets and wildlife (that’s pretty much anything but cats and dogs) and regularly works an after hours pet emergency hotline.

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