Magic MonitorX

価格 300円
開発者Leon Snyman
リリース日2012-12-11 06:10:03
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.1以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-26 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Magic Monitor is a unique customizable application for displaying different values from MCU's like ARDUINO, Propeller, Basic Stamp, PIC's or other peripherals that communicate via UART. The application uses the HID profile over bluetooth connection which is simply text strings of the values you want to display.
You can choose up to 6 display boxes and each box can have a different unit. Also available are 6 LED's that may be turned ON and OFF as required by simple text command from your MCU device. A Text box is also available to send instructions or messages to the user.
HID Bluetooth can be added to any MCU device that has a TX/RX UART by adding an HID Bluetooth device like Roving Networks RN-42 or BlueGiga WT12. Then you can simply write text commands to the device.
Text format is simple - A control character specifies which box is the intended recipient, followed by the data followed by a delimiter character |
example - #234.45|!4567.34| will enter the number 234.45 to Box1 and 4567.34 to Box 2.
The control characters are Box1=# Box2=! Box3=% Box4=? Box5=& Box6=* TextBox=$
Led's are turned on with ^1ON| or ^2ON| etc and turned OFF by ^2OFF| etc.

Each command will need to be followed by a short delay in your code before sending the next command to compensate for differences in the bluetooth stack implementations. I found that a 50mSec delay worked well for an Arduino with RN-42 module sending to iPhone 5.
Connection is simple. power on your device making sure that the bluetooth module is in discovery mode and discover it in iPhone Settings/Bluetooth just like any other bluetooth device and it should be discovered as a HID Keyboard. Make sure your MCU is not writing out data until you have launched the Magic Monitor App and touched the PLAY button.
Version 1.1 is tested to work with iOS 7.1 and iPhone 5

Updated for IOS7
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月26日 18時51分




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