Tomb Breaker

価格 無料
開発者Simple Machine, LLC
リリース日2013-05-04 04:34:13
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 4.3以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
伝説の冒険家Aria Briteとその仲間に参加して"Tomb of Infinity"の秘密を解決しよう。

この全く新しいゲームはKurt Biegによって作られました。彼はCircadiaとTwirdieのクリエーターで美しいアートワークはVictor Sotoによって作られました。 通常に見られるようなパズルではなく全く新しいパズルを作成するためにクリエーターは1年以上取り込みました。その結果Tomb Breakerが生まれ他のパズルゲームではないものが出来ました。 毎週60秒で最高得点をゲットしてGame CenterやFacebookで友達にチャレンジ。得点をクロスオーバー、クリア、コンボしながら宝石を集めてゲームベンディングパワーアップを購入。


墓石を壊せるかな? 機能:

- 全く新しい、プレイしたことがないマッチングゲームプレイ。すぐに覚えられ大変病みつきになります。

- Facebookに接続してリーダーボードで友達とチャレンジ。

- Game Centerで高得点と常に競争。

- 数々の秘密のアチーブメントをプレイ。

- 古代の墓石内で真に夢中になるパズルセットを体験。

Hello All!


That's right, the first update to for Tomb Breaker is here and it's not one of those "Oh, did anything even change in this update?"

Thanks to countless emails, suggestions, and requests I've redesigned almost every part of Tomb Breaker to be more fun, more challenging, more rewarding, and more … tombtastic!

• 20 Moves Mode (unlimited time):
The most requested feature since the release. Everybody told me they wanted more time with the game. Well now you can set a highscore and take as long as you like, but you'll only be able to do it in 20 moves.

• Lightning Mode:
Holy cow, this is the feature I'm most excited about. It looks cool, it's super powerful, and NO OTHER GAME HAS IT. What is it you ask? Well, in 60 Seconds Mode you'll find 2 new side bars. Each time you make a match of 4 or more you'll fill up the bar a bit, when you completely fill the bar you'll activate Lightning Mode for 8 seconds. Just tap on any tile just once and every possible tile will be connected.

It's gorgeous and an absolute thrilling ride you'll only find in Tomb Breaker.

• Wild Tiles:
I've wanted to put in special tiles since before the release, but there just wasn't enough time, so I'm happy to announce the very first of many special tiles, the Wild Tile. When you make a match of 7 or more you'll create a Wild Tile that can be used to match any color. It's a super simple special tile that has an exponential impact on the board.

• Reversing Moves:
Highly requested by so many people, you can now reverse your moves at any time, and if you return to the starting tile, you can cancel the move altogether.

• Power Up Costs Lowered:
I did hear a lot of feedback from people saying that the powerups were way overpriced. Noted and fixed. All powerups have been discounted by 1,000 gems

• Crashes Fixed:
A whole bunch of people couldn't play Tomb Breaker because of a loading issue. I tested this update on all my devices and it all works on my end, so you should have the same experience. If you don't, please email me and let me know so I can take a look for the next update.

• Scoring:
Looking for instructions on scoring, for now, it ain't pretty but it's all there, just go into the settings menu and tap on the "?".

• Power Up Store Issues:
One of the biggest upsets people experienced was interacting with the powerup store. There are still some aspects of it that I want to address in upcoming updates to make it even more understandable, but for now, I added quantity numbers to the bottoms of powerups so you can see how many rounds they will last for, and I also turned off rebuying powerups when they are exhausted. My apologies if people felt that I was trying to trick people into wasting gems. I'm not that kind of game designer, I don't make those kind of games, and I don't condone those practices. I want you to feel safe when you play a Simple Machine game and I want you to only spend gems/currency when you want to. If there are other areas where this is occurring, please email me.

Ok, that is it for this update. Now, I have a short ask from me, the developer Kurt Bieg. Tomb Breaker means an awful lot to me. It's my favorite game out of all the games I've made. I desperately want to continue work on this game, but I can only do that by supporting the people who play the game. I realize that in the "free games" market, most publishers/developers don't really care about making something special, but I do. I care a lot. Please, if you have a suggestion, if you love it, if you hate it, please email me your thoughts. It's the single most valuable currency I have as single person studio and it's the most personally rewarding aspect of my work.

If you have a moment, say hi. I even included an email button in the game, just tap on the settings menu and press the email button, or leave a comment at

Thanks and happy gaming,
Kurt Bieg
Simple Machine
  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2025年3月14日 04時51分




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