Ansel & Clair: Jurassic Dinosaurs - A Fingerprint Network App

価格 600円
230.4MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
リリース日2013-01-24 17:00:00
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 7.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-28 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
Ansel & Clair: Jurassic Dinosaurs
Ansel and Clair: Jurassic Dinosaurs is now a part of the Fingerprint Network for learning and play!

Join Ansel, the friendly intergalactic photographer from the exotic planet Virtoos, and Clair, a brilliant Virtoosian robot as they explore the world of dinosaurs

“Ansel & Clair: Jurassic Dinosaurs” is part of the dinosaur trilogy along with “Ansel & Clair: Cretaceous Dinosaurs” and “Ansel & Clair: Triassic Dinosaurs”.

All three apps in the Dinosaur Trilogy begin with Ansel & Clair visiting a modern dinosaur dig site. Meet paleontologist Dr. Lindy Bones, learn about cool fossil tools and then dig for fossils from the Triassic period. Travel back in time to meet Triassic dinosaurs and other creatures learn a variety of different concepts and contextual subjects including science, geography, geology, and of course zoology, without even realizing it.

Accolades received by Ansel & Clair: Jurassic Dinosaurs:
Dr. Toy 2013 Best Vacation Products Award Winner
Parents Choice Silver Award Winner

What Critics are saying about Ansel & Clair: Jurassic Dinosaurs:
"Best New Dino Themed Apps for Kids" – USA TODAY

"Ansel and Clair Jurassic and Triassic are the equivalent of 10-15 hours of TED and Khan Academy lectures with a dozen or more YouTube videos and a trip to a natural history museum thrown in for good measure. There really isn't anything to which to compare these apps. It's like getting an entire album of music for the price of a single" - SMART APPS FOR KIDS

"This latest app hits the nail directly on the head" - TEACHERSWITHAPPS

"Top 10 Apps for Teaching Social Studies" - AVATAR GENERATION

"Honestly, you can’t go wrong with any of Ansel & Clair applications, and Jurassic Dinosaurs is no different" - iPAD FAN

Spectacular interactions & animations, stunning visuals, puzzles & games bring Dinosaurs to life:
Allosaurus, a giant meat-eating dinosaur that was an ancestor of the Tyrannosaurus Rex
Apatosaurus, a large Sauropod that was over 80 feet long and weighed more than 5 elephants
Archaeopteryx, the earliest known flying dinosaur, which had both feathers and scales
Hybodus, which was a shark-like water animal that lived during all three dinosaur periods
Brachiosaurus or Arm Lizard, a gigantic Sauropod, which had longer fore limbs than legs
Plesiosaurus, a marine reptile that did not lay eggs, but gave birth to live young in the water
Stegosaurus, a popular armored plant-eating dinosaur

Science, history, geography and geology incorporated in a fun, contextual manner:
Why did the Apatosaurus swallow stones?
Did modern birds evolve from the flying dinosaurs?
Why were there more plant-eating dinosaurs than meat-eating dinosaurs?
Were there polar ice caps during the Jurassic?
How can you tell the age of a fossil? How do you know where to look for fossils?
Why are you more likely to find fossils in sedimentary rocks and not in igneous or metamorphic rocks?
How did new pine cones grow if there were no pine flowers?

Much loved features from other Ansel & Clair apps
- Touch and drag camera to take photos of dinosaurs and other animals of the Jurassic period
- Collect and arrange photos in the Travel Log, and even type your own notes


The Fingerprint Network

Ansel & Clair: Jurassic Dinosaurs is part of the Fingerprint Network of games for Learning and Play. Fingerprint offers a range of features to support the whole family including:

- A Shared Family Account makes it easy for kids and parents to share a device and allows parents to track the game play and learning of multiple children under a single account.

- In-App messaging lets kids and parents to send one another fun and encouraging messages.

- A curated Game Catalog suggests new Apps based on your child's interests and learning levels.

- Parent Controls keep In-App-Purchase behind a parent gate.

-Now featuring the Fingerprint Network
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更新日時:2024年9月28日 10時20分




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