
価格 100円
開発者TianJin Pictograph Technology Co.,ltd.
リリース日2012-11-15 14:40:23
評価 評価が取得できませんでした。
互換性iOS 5.0以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-06-30 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。
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Chinese zombies, originated from ancient folk tales, will get extremely agitated as soon as they smell fresh blood. Everyone who shows up in front of them will get attacked. Let’s bring on the weapons to fight against Chinese zombies for the peace of our homeland!

【Game Intro】
Abracadabra is a Chinese-style single player zombie game that allows players to fight against zombies using various talismans. In the game, you will play a Taoist with amazing powers, who is able to draw various talismans easily. You will have to make use of specific talismans to defeat the zombies. There are metal, wood, water, fire and earth zombies, and to kill the zombies as soon as possible, you should use the specific elemental talismans that are able to neutralize them. Try eradicating all of the zombies as you make your way through the game.

【Game Interface】
Chinese-style user interface, goofy jumping zombies, dark elemental bosses and special effects bring you a relaxing and thrilling gaming experience. “Easy to Use” feature makes the game more attractive. Different game scenes that will trigger exciting gaming feelings are a special feature of this game as well.

The zombies will move from right to left across the screen. You can click a zombie first to immobilize it for 3 seconds, during which you should draw a talisman at the empty area to attack the zombie. You can attack multiple zombies at the same time. If you eradicate all of the zombies before they reach their destination on the left of the screen, you will win. If you don't...you will lose.

Feature 1:
Interesting operations that are “Easy to Use”.

Feature 2:
Speed, operations, and seckill - fully challenge your responses and gaming skills.

Feature 3:
A superb collection of Chinese-style gaming items.

Feature 4:
Bosses with different elements make the gameplay challenging.
Can you fight through the whole game?

The development team of Abracadabra consists of specialists with years of professional experience. We focus on the R&D of wireless games at Android/iOS platforms and aiming to provide excellent products to customers all over the world.

Official Website of Pictograph Technology Co., Ltd: http://www.gamexx.cn/

  • 現在ランキング圏外です。
更新日時:2024年6月30日 03時43分




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