
価格 120円
102.9MB (ダウンロードにWIFIが必要)
リリース日2012-11-15 10:57:00
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互換性iOS 3.2以降が必要です。
iPhone、iPad および iPod touch 対応。
  • 2024-09-23 このアプリは現在ストアから情報が取得できません。削除された可能性があります。


1 The first snow
2 Be Happy!
3 Solitude
4 On Motes and Beams
5 Facing the Enemies Within
6 Human Life a Poem
7 To be or not to be
8 When Love Beckons You
9 Mirror, Mirror---What do I See?
10 Relish the Moment
11 Ambition
12 An October Sunrise
13 Clear Your Mental Space
14 Giving Life Meaning
15 If I Rest, I Rust
16 The Goodness of Life
17 The Happy Door
18 The Love of Beauty
19 Virtue
20 Work and Pleasure
21 Youth
22 Three Days to See (Excerpts)
23 Companionship of Books
24 What I Have Lived for
25 The Road to Success
26 On Meeting the Celebrated
27 The 50-Percent Theory of Life
28 What is Your Recovery Rate?
29 Gettysburg Address
30 First Inaugural Address (Excerpts)
31 It’s Up to You
32 Grow Great by Dreams
33 Types of Friends
34 Move Forward
35 Do You Know Women
36 Who we are?
37 Free to Soar
38 Laugh
39 Silence
40 Conquer the Fear for Your Dream
41 Heaven on Earth
42 Love Your Mother
43 The Wholeness of Life
44 Abundance Is a Life Style
45 Growth That Starts from Thinking
46 The Violin
47 Everyone Gets an Angel
48 Extend the Miracle
49 The Power of Positive Thinking
50 Reduction of Your Tension
51 Bill Gates: Eight Rules to Students
52 We Were Dear to Each Other
53 Churchill’s Speech
54 If I Had My Life to Live Over
55 Deep Inner Peace
56 A Grain of Sand
57 Mum and Childhood Days
58 I Am Ready to Love You
59 Memory about Autumn
60 Be Optimistic
61 A Pleasant Smile
62 Dwell in Your Heart Space
63 I Like the Subtle
64 The Angels Are with You
65 Equipment
66 1℃ love
67 A positive View of Every Day
68 Always
69 Still as Water
70 Take Me to a Dream
71 You Are My Seasons
72 The Love Feeling
73 He Calls to Me
74 If I Told You
75 Just One Song
76 Never Say Goodbye
77 True Love
78 The Warmth of Winter
79 I Will Be with You
80 I Do Wish
81 Cherish the Freedom
82 Dream, Forever Passion in Your Mind
83 About Youth
84 Discovery
85 The Rainy Day
86 Friends
87 The Flight of Youth
88 Learning: a Lifelong Career
89 I will become master of myself
90 Today I begin a new life
91 Forward Bravely
92 Packaging a Person
93 Mary Had a Little Lamb (Excerpt)
94 Reading Good Books
95 Self-Awareness
96 Pines
97 Trees
98 Words to Live by
99 Think It Over
100 The More Loving One



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更新日時:2024年9月23日 03時44分




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